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Hello. Yes. It's me. The shittiest, bitchiest ginger snap slash somewhat author (at least on this damned place🤷🏽‍♀️) here and welcome to my literal mind.

It's a scary place.

I promise.

If you like dark, depressing moments that scare you to a point you may wanna lock me up in a padded cell...then hi! How are ya? *twirls a Jeffree Star mirror around with a creepy ass smile*

..in all seriousness..

I'm not an open person. So I'm obviously not spilling out my whole backstory of traumatic events and shit blah blah blah. Buuut, I am notorious for locking my notes when I know their gonna turn out fucked up and depressing.

I have around two to three moments each month when I feel really fucked over and don't know what to do other than write.

No. I don't want to write about love and that's usually what I try to do on my "at the moment working on" stories..which messes up the plot and I just wrap it up so I don't have to watch it fail any longer.

I suck. Ass.

Like, seriously.

Don't have to even tell me.

So while my books fail and are critiqued by bitches with no lives and/or no followers and no damn books of their own, I find myself typing rapidly in my iPhones notes.

Thought it'd be fun to share a bit about how I'm really like with those who give a damn on here....*crickets*

*me gasping in realization like the dumb-fuck I am* Oh, yeah, no one gives a damn!

.......*awkward silence*

ANYWAYS! Carrying on my Broccoli Heads!

I'm a rather dark person and it even shows in my humor. I'm dry and sarcastic and only find real joy in singing old ass Justin Bieber songs with my best friend, going limp on my boyfriend suddenly whilst standing (which causes him to freak out at the moment, which is so damn funny to me), and watching The Office (Dwight gets me on an intense level) or horror movies that make me question my life choices.

Aside from that I'm always serious or joking around in such a way most take it seriously and get butt hurt like little bitches. THATS ANOTHER THING ABOUT ME!....I absolutely loathe people. I get weird vibes off of most so I try to get away ASAP. However there is that one damn person who hides their psycho tendencies pretty damn well- but their usually gone a month into our friendship💁🏽‍♀️

If people weren't such selfish, self absorbed, lying ass, backstabbing ass bitches...then maybe I'd consider making more friends.

Some of y'all I have talked to and y'all are great but then there are the other batch of peeps on here that are not so great and don't believe me when my ass says you'll be muted.

Yeah. I'm at number eight...in a whole damn week! New record😝

But anywho..anyhow..I really don't give a fuck how it goes...HAVE FUN READING MY FUCKED UP NOTES😁

Lots of love to you beautiful Broccoli Heads❤️

- Camden S.

(Also this little thing won't be updated regularly until around June 7th. Let's hope I can keep it up because ya girl has to get her wisdom teeth out around the 11th.)

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