crown cafe

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Persephone trudged through the muddy puddles, careful to keep her purple umbrella right above her head. A chilly wind blew past her and she tugged her pink fluffy coat closer. All she needed to do, she reminded herself, was to get to Crown Cafe. It was her favourite coffee shop, only partially because it was within walking distance.

When she had set off from her apartment, she had not been expecting a storm to start as soon as she set foot on the sidewalk. It was wet and dark out, but she really wanted that black coffee so she kept going. Crown Cafe was a tiny coffee shop on the corner of the block, and it lit up the dark street around it. She could hear gentle music coming from it and she let herself get lost in the magic of it all as she got closer. It seemed like the kind of place grandparents told stories about meeting each other in. Persephone couldn't help that she was a hopeless romantic.

She carefully stepped onto the porch and wiped her boots on the mat. The glass door was framed in wood and on it was a sign that read "WE'RE OPEN!". Persephone pulled the door open and a bell rang through the small coffee shop. It was bustling with people, which wasn't normal, but it seemed everyone wanted refuge from the sudden storm. She got in line, considering getting a muffin with her coffee. Before long, it was her turn and she still hadn't decided whether to get the muffin. She chewed on her lip, well aware that the people behind her were getting impatient.

"Ok I'll have one black coffee please.. medium size.... and a blueberry muffin," she paused for a second and frowned. "Sorry make that a low-fat blueberry muffin." Persephone looked up at the waiter behind the counter and did a double-take. His hair was a shocking blue that stuck up at various angles. He obviously ran his fingers through it a lot.

"Well.... nah, the low-fat ones don't taste as good, trust me," he packed her a warm normal blueberry muffin and Persephone couldn't help but smile. She was well aware that her mother would have given this man a piece of her mind for meddling in things that weren't his business, or something.

"I don't- .. thank you," Persephone could feel her face heating up as she paid and he handed her the change and her order. "See you around!"

On her walk home, she barely noticed the rain as she sipped from her coffee, her brown paper bag tight in hand. She wondered why she'd said see you. See you? When would she see him? Couldn't she have just said thank you and left like a normal person? Persephone mentally groaned as she unlocked the door to her apartment and turned on the lights. She took off her boots and left them to dry by the kitchen door, changed into warm pajamas and sat to enjoy her muffin in front of the tv. Persephone let her mind wander and she realized she couldn't help but want to see him again, though she barely knew him. She smiled quietly to herself.

The next morning, Persephone got ready in record time, realizing she had overslept. She ran the only flower shop in the neighborhood, underneath her apartment.

She quickly switched on the lights in the shop, flipped the open sign, and rolled open the blinds. Sunlight poured in as she watered the flowers and plants in the small shop, her earbuds in. The day progressed slowly after that. A 14 year old who wanted to impress his girlfriend, a woman who's mother was sick and had a very boring hospital room, parents who were proud of their twin children's graduation, so many people with so much going on in their lives.

During her lunch break, Persephone sat behind the counter, watching the street outside. Couples, families, and loners walked down the sidewalk, but something very familiar grabbed her attention.

A relatively tall guy with electric blue hair was walking down the sidewalk right in front of her shop. It was the waiter from the coffee shop, but he was wearing a green sweater and beige pants instead of his apron. Persephone stared at him for a second, just as he looked into the shop and they made eye contact. Her heart beat a tiny bit quicker as he gave her a tiny smile and slowly pushed open the door to the flower shop.

       "We meet again," his smile widened and he gave Persephone a tiny wave.

       "I guess we do. I'm Persephone," Persephone put her iced tea down and went around to the front of the counter.

       "I'm Hades," he said quietly. She could tell behind his smile that he was nervous. Persephone could melt at how adorable he seemed, but she didn't. Keeping her confidence was crucial in a situation like this. "Can I please buy a bouquet of roses?"

       "Sure thing. Who's it for?" Persephone bit the inside of her cheek as she prepared the bouquet. She handed it to him and he paid.

       "Um- well you," Hades's eyes scanned Persephone's face and he was chewing on the inside of his cheek. Persephone blushed internally, but was careful not to let that show.

        "Smooth," she said, taking the flowers. "Thank you." Hades gave her a small grin and seemed to be gathering himself.

       "Do you wanna meet up some time? Outside work? I mean like we could exchange numbers and talk- unless you don't wanna I- " Hades fidgeted with the sleeve of his sweater and Persephone couldn't help but laugh. He seemed like such a toughie but she could tell he was just a nervous cinnamon roll.

       "Sure," she pulled out a piece of paper. "Here's my number. Isn't this like the cheesiest thing ever." she said as she wrote it down. Hades smiled and took the paper.

       "Yeah, sorry." He scratched the back of his head.

        "It's fine. I love cheesy," Persephone went back behind her counter.

       "See ya!" Hades walked out, and Persephone watched him leave. It had been so long since she'd met someone who actually liked her and wasn't rude about it. But beyond the excitement, a small voice in her head worried about how her mom would react.

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