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"you know how much I hate English. why can't you just mosey into there and get us an American", a couple wait in an alley while stalking a stumbling drunk man.

"Excuse me sir, but this is for you not me. I've been trying to keep this perfect balance for so long", the girl with the southern tongue refers to her eyes that could pass as a deep shade of brown but in reality was a mixture of red and black. "But do hurry his singing is hurting my ears"

"You just have to make everything hard for me because you never get hungry. I'll be back", the male of the two dropped down.

"Shut up" he now had the drunk pinned against the wall with one hand. "I hated the first British Invasion. I hated the second one even more"

"Even the Beatles" a fourth party interrupted the show. "Really Garret" the women jumped down and stood next to Garret under the shadow.

"I've been telling him to listen to them but he refuses, damn patriot" Garret snapped back at the girl "Old habits die hard"

"Carslie needs you", a beautiful blonde women spoke up causing Garret to drop the drunk. After having a silent conversation with his partner they agreed "Sounds interesting".

"Can you please shut him up first" Garrets counterpart voice hissed when the drunk got out of shock.

"First I better finish my meal" Garret scrambled to the drunk again as he was yelling for help.

"And if it isn't my not so little Rose", the mystery girl stepped into the light. An asian with brown eyes but defiantly not alive was infront of to the two vampires.


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