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"So you're saying these creatures can shapeshift?"

"Yes, I am."

"Then how do I know you're not one?"

"You don't"

• • •

"I don't?" She gave a sardonic laugh, leering mockingly at him.

She reached a gloved hand into a pocket in the inner layer of her cloak, drawing out a thin blade.

"You underestimate me," She stated, though with an air of nonchalance, as she twirled the blade between her fingertips.

He fixed his eyes on the blade, his face expressionless. "So that's your plan? Cut me? Stab me? See if I heal or bleed to death?"

"Not if there's a possibility of you being normal."

"So what are you going to do with the knife?"

She took a step closer to him, he did not step back.

Raising the knife, she paused before dragging it vertically down the length of her arm.

"W-what are you-" His voice wavered briefly before he paused completely, transfixed as the  thick crimson welled from the precise cut before spilling over.

His pupils dilated, the strong metallic scent of  blood overwhelming his nostrils. His jaw slackened and his eyes rolled as he began to shake, his body giving in to the bloodlust it desired.

He collapsed to his knees, his hands gripping the grass as he released an agonised caterwaul. Hair emerged along his jawline and his chest heaved before his head snapped backwards, his canines lengthening by thrice their normal amount.

Giving another cry, he ripped the grass from its roots, trapping the many leaves between clawed talons. He released the grass only to clasp his hands over his ears which were elongating to have  sharp pointed tips.

She took another step forward as she watched him, a growing sense of captivation across her face.

He panted, beads of perspiration caused by his excruciating struggle trailed down from his forehead to his cheek, dripping into the grass.

She crouched down to meet his height.

His body trembled beneath her impudent stare before he raised his head to meet her eyes.

Smirking, she clicked her tongue in mock sympathy. "Gotcha."

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