Life is an orchard

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Life is a lemon tree orchard
People complain and complain
Yet they never stop to see the simple things
In spring, the wild flowers growing at their feet, much less the flowers on the trees
In summer, the wild strawberries poking through the foliage, or the raspberries swinging under their leaves, or the simple beauty of the lemons
In autumn, how the trees turn into sunset colours, and how the falling leaves look like fairies are having carpet races
In winter, how the world looks like a winter wonderland land, or how big white flakes come floating down from the sky
When it's day, they never climb the trees and try to touch the sky, or simply read a book in the shade of a lemon tree
During the night, they never lie down in the grass and stare up at the stars, much less try to build a staircase up to them
During a rainstorm, they never dance in the rain, or admire the growth it symbolizes, or even look forward to the after smell of rain
They simply focus on their hatred for the taste of lemons and their only consolation is that they get to make lemonade
Yet when a tornado hits they panic and worry about the orchard
A little ironic don't you think

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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