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Bonjour, dear reader! No, I'm not French.

I'm, like you, an earthling. A simple mortal with a simple mind and a delusional heart. My name, my age, my gender are some things I'd rather not disclose, not because I don't trust you, but because they're really not necessary. I'm a huge literature-nerd (I play chess too but yeah, literature first, always) and so I've read uncountable fantasies, classics, murder mysteries, romance, eroticas, sci-fis and have found myself desperately hoping for even the tiniest bit of magic in my, again, extremely simple life. And, I've found it. No, it doesn't involve telekinesis or psychic abilities and no I'm not one of the X-Men nor did the Hogwarts Express reveal itself to me (doesn't mean I won't wait for it the next semester though, they'll realize they're missing an extremely strong witch soon enough no worries).
However, I'm a part of the universe, the universe is made of me. And you, and the people you know. Isn't that the strongest form of magic? Aren't YOU the strongest form of magic?
This book holds some of my most precious pieces of literature, the results of my ultimate sorcery with lost words which is why it's very close to my heart and so- 

1) Please do not copy any of my lines or works without my permission. I'm generally extremely sweet but I do not tolerate plagiarism, not even when someone like Helen Keller is the culprit.

2) Now, as I mentioned before, I'm a human and thus, I think its pretty obvious mistakes are inevitable (like Thanos, geddit?) so if you spot some extremely silly grammatical mistakes, please tell me instead of making fun of the whole poem. Thanks:)

3) Although I'm not a huge fan of shoutouts, if you ever feel like my collection is worth being read and you do encourage your friends to give it a read too, I'd be eternally grateful to you and thus, I promise I'd return the generosity by giving your book/ you a shoutout via my other social media sites. 

4) Talking about social media sites, my instagram id is- @smh.jiyaa and even though I've facebook too, I'm not really active on it. Discord username- Venus#2962. So, if you wanna talk about this book or any of my future ones, or you wanna talk in general, feel free to text. I'm here for you:)

So, if you're reading this and plan to continue reading, thank you. I can't tell you how absolutely happy and excited I am to share my work with you.
I hope you relate, love, cherish and nurture the poems you'll read if you decide to give me a chance.
Thank you, I hope the magic finds you and I hope you embrace it in its purest form.

With love,

P.S- You can call me Venus too.

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