Story #1

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Evalyn was in her living room, just drawing on a note pad, when she heard something dripping. She instantly assumed it was the faucet. Their faucet had a... history. After a little, she was starting to get a bit... uneasy. She kept feeling as if she was being watched. Evalyn glanced around the room, trying to locate the prying eyes of her idiot little brother, Kale. After finding nothing, she shrugged it off, and continued working on her drawing. Soon, though, she noticed something through the gaps in the window shutters. It was a kind of pale green, and moved a little. Evalyn's heart was racing by now. She tentatively opened the widow shades, and screamed at what she saw. There was a creature staring back at her. It was obviously wearing no clothes, and Evalyn could see it's ribs through it's blemished pale green skin. The thing had at least six spindly arms, but that wasn't what scared her most. It was it's face. The monster had a single large red-rimmed eye, the colors pale gray. She could see that it's mouth was filled with rows of sharp teeth after it flashed her a psychotic grin. Evalyn raced back to her parent's room, screaming, when she tripped over something. The mutilated body of her little brother. Letting out another ear-splitting scream, she scrambled towards where her parents were most likely laying down, completely oblivious to what had happened. She was wrong. Evalyn threw up on the floor as she saw the bloody, nearly unrecognizable bodies of her parents. One of their arms hung from the ceiling fan, blood dripping to the floor. Fear tightened its grip on her heart as she heard a raspy, nearly unrecognizable croak behind her. "You're next"

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