- peter parker ✓

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title. helpless
fandom. marvel
movie(s). post civil war & spider-man homecoming
love interest. peter parker
oc name. allie anderson*
faceclaim. stefanie scott*
STATUS: taken by @thegayclownmovie

 stefanie scott*STATUS: taken by @thegayclownmovie

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in which allie anderson begins to fall for her biggest rival, peter parker


"you look back to me smiling and i'm helpless."

allie anderson is smart, and she knows that. but there had always been that one obstacle. that one star that shined brighter than the other. that one person who was just a leg ahead. that person was peter parker.
the two would have their own competitions. who could answer the question first, who could fill in the test first, who could get the better score, who could join the most clubs. everything between them was a competition.
even who could be the better superhero.
when tony stark asks for their help, peter and allie jump right into it. with the power of speed on her side, allie makes a superb addition to team iron man. it's only a matter of time before she gets to be an avenger and mr. peter parker gets to watch.
until it's not.
when mr. stark asks her to keep and eye on peter, her entire plan is flipped upside down. not only does she have to deal with her social life and her secret life, but she has to watch over a sixteen year old know it all?
and every time he looks at her, she can't help but feel a little bit helpless.

☆*:.。. NOTES!

— allie gained her powers through an accident at her mother's work.

— allie was very young and hardly remembers it.

— her mother was working with unexplored technology and allie was at the lab since it was late at night.

— something went wrong and the lab exploded, leaving allie with powers, and her mother's body was never found

— she lives with her grandparents since her father is in the military, therefore traveling a lot.

— allie is part of the following clubs: the decathlon team, the newspaper club*, band (she plays the flute*), the yearbook club & the drama club*

— you may add more clubs if you like

— allie and peter don't hate each other, they're both just super competitive

— they actual work very well together, both in and out of superhero work

— allie's best friend, raven*, totally thinks peter likes her

— allie's like "um no sis"

— allie and raven have known each other since kindergarten

— allie's not okay with having to watch over peter. she thinks it's stupid that she has to be his babysitter.

— until one day at school she sees him getting in trouble with flash and she's actually concerned about him.

— she cleans him up and realizes if he can't stand up to flash, how can he stand up to a man with a gun??

— so she decides to follow orders and become friends with him

— spiderman homecoming starts and she slowly starts to enjoy being with him. she genuinely likes him. they go patrolling together, do homework, hang out, and that's when she develops a crush on him

— allie opens up to him about things she's never told anyone before, (ex. her mom, her dad, using her powers, etc)

— peter begins to talk about his own life, bringing up uncle ben and his own parents

— allie quickly realizes raven was right and oh my god she has a crush on peter parker

— around the time/ when tony takes peter's suit he mentions how he's disappointed in allie for not watching over peter like he asked.

"i asked you to do one thing anderson! one thing! to watch over him, keep him in check! and you couldn't do that."

— peter's hurt because he thinks allie was only being friendly to him because mr. stark told her to.

— allie's completely crushed since she really liked peter and she really does want to be his friend. she tries to reason with him but peter doesn't believe her.

— peter basically avoids her after that.

— allie still tries to reach out to him and explain it all but peter just blows her off. she's absoluetly heartbroken.

— somehow allie finds out what peter's up to during the homecoming and helps him out, trying to prove herself

— you can decide if they become friends again or not.

ryan destiny* as raven brown*

— ryan destiny* as raven brown*

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— that's all i have for now

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password: favorite spider-man actor & why

remember: i have the right to say no!!
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mae says!
this plots so cute, i might
snatch it for myself lol

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