chapter one

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The hustling and bustling of the busy town enclosed Emma in her thoughts. She was think of her father the owner of the Lutes hotel.

A strong arm wrapped around her cold, pale arms as a grimy hand covered her mouth to stop the piercing screams escape her lips, pulling her down into a dark alleyway. Her eyes squeezed shut as silent tears rolled down her rosy cheeks. The arms around her slowly loosened, turning her to face them.

"Open your eyes, sweetheart" A dark hushed voice whispered. She recognised it at once and slowly opened her eyes, the blueness vibrant in the dark ally.

"Father?" She whispered, her voice ragged from crying. He was about to speak when suddenly a black van screeched into the alleyway , coming to a Holt before them. All was silent, even the streets, until her father broke it.

"Run my darling, run! And don't look back" He said, pain and worry darkened his once bright blue eyes.

"But father I-" She was cut of by the sound of rusty doors closing and footsteps coming slowly closer. Her father took her hands in his.

"Run..." He whispered just loud enough for her to hear. He ripped his hands out of hers and ran, the four tall, husky men running after him.

Emma stayed hidden behind the rusty metal bins. She heard an ear splitting scream which echoed in the empty ally. Popping her head out she let her eyes travel around the alleyway until the settled on something. Two dark figures stalking towards the van, following closely behind were two more figures carrying something. As she looked closer she saw a white blood covered shirt.

Her eyes widened as more tears flooded her already damp cheeks.

Her father.

They threw him into the back of the van, the four men climbing inside and driving away.

Cautiously, Emma crawled out of her hiding place, along the grimy floor. She saw a piece of paper lying on the dirt and muck. As she read it her eyes widened and her breathing hitched. It read:

'Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

If we let him go,

We want YOU.'


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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