Supporting Cast~ A Kaichou wa Maid sama story

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Meme's Pov:

Swish. The subways doors opened up letting me through. I stepped through quickly, as the subway doors closed again. I took a quick glance down at the paper I held in my hand again. 'Maid Latte, looking for new employes!' The paper said all the other details on how to get there to. I continued walking towards where I thought the small cafe was, my short black hair following behind me. I pushed my bangs up, adjusting them and putting hair pins in. I then walked out of the Subway station, bumping into a lot of people. When I was on the sidewalk I started to count the blocks untill I was supposed to be at the cafe. I looked down yet again at the paper making sure I was getting the directions right. Boom. I landed on the ground with a girl looking around my age on the ground too. We both rubbed are heads where we got hit.

"I am so sorry!" I exclaimed as I jump up and help her up.

"It's okay" she says with a small smile before she went on down the street.

I picked up the paper that ends up on the ground, I look down at the paper than at the cafe infrount of me. 'Here it is' I thought as I pushed open the door.

"Welcome home M'Lady." two voices said.

I stood there confused for a second. I looked behind me, looking for the person they called 'm'lady'. One of the two girls with pretty raven like hair bounced up to me, seeing the employes wanted paper in my hand.

"Oh you want a job?" she asks a smile on her face. My nodded my head slowly yes, not sure if I wanted the job anymore.

"Come right this way darling! What's your name?" she said full of excitement, pulling me to what looked like the kitchen.

"I am Akkiko Meme." I said my voice sorta quiet. When we made it to the kitchen area I saw a girl with light brown hair in the outfit that I would soon wear, talking to a boy with pretty blonde hair.

"You perverted Alien! Just give me the-" the girl with brown hair was cut of by the girl who dragged me into here.

"Misaki! Usui! Meet out new employe! Akkiko Meme!" she said dierecting the attetion on me.

"Yo" the boy Usui said while Misaki bowed and said "Nice to meet you Meme"

She than covered her hand with her mouth. "Sorry I didn't mean to-" I cut her off with a small laugh. "It's okay you guys can call me Meme" I then was introduced to other people before I was given a uniform to wear. The little maid outfit like Misaki exept had a different aura to it. 'Its not as bad as I thought' I thought as I slipped on the dress.

Mujaki's pov

I continue down the hallways next to the class prez. She sighed, and I could tell she was tired. Adjusting my baret she sighed again.

"Sorry if I seem irritable right now. There was this girl I just met yesterday and I ended up working late shifts because I enjoyed talking to her. Just found out she's a new girl here... Although I'm not going to have her shown around like you since she's already had her first day."

I nodded at her and smiled. She isn't a demon prez like the guys say... then again, I am a girl and she seems to be a feminist. She went over to the door that led outside to the back of the courtyard and walked over to two boys. Well, I think they were two boys. One looked like a girl.

"Kanou. This will be your final punishment for hypnotizing me. You will have to show the new student around. You can take Yukimura if you'd like. Her name is Toyama Mujaki."

I bowed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, you two sure have looks."

I stood up straight and winked at them, making both of them red. Now that I think about it, I'm in class 1-7 with the glasses guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2012 ⏰

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