Happy 4th of July

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4th of July Special~

Deliah's POV~

I'm so excited! Today is July 4th and you know what that means?! FIREWORKS! Dad and (Y/N) promised to take me with them when they go to pick out fireworks. We're leaving right now to the local stand that comes every year selling all sorts of crazy explosives.

"Deliah! Come one we're leaving now!" Dad yelled.

"I'm coming! Wait for me!!!" I yelled as I quickly tied my shoelaces. I ran down the stairs and crashed into an expecting Springtrap. He caught me in his arms and laughed at my flushed face. (Y/N) walked up next to us, laughing and smiling.

"Haha! Woah Deliah. Slow down you could've fell, silly. We would never leave without you. Nice catch by the way," (Y/N) said giving an after remark to Springtrap.

"Thank you kitten~ Shall I catch you now?"

"Nfufufufu~ You already caught my heart, bunny."

"Okay Okay! Now can we go!? Pleeeaase!" I cried, inwardly squealing at their cuteness.

"Yes yes. Let's go Deliah. Springtrap we'll be back soon mwah*" Sis kissed her boyfriend. I pulled her arm and she sighed while following me, turning and blowing him a kiss. We made it to the car and Dad sat with car in reverse waiting for the two of us. I sat in the back and (Y/N) got up in the front and then we made our way to the stall.

The man selling the goods was extraordinary and completely decked out from head to toe in red, white and blue. He wore an American top hat and blue coat, he was dressed exactly like Uncle Sam the mascot of America. (Y/N) and I laughed and smiled as we greeted the exotic merchant. He gave us a small American flag which we gladly accepted, waving it around us we walked around finding and picking out what we found interesting.

"You girls sure picked out a lot of items! Sparklers, fireworks, rockets, firecrackers, poppers and more?!" Dad said surprised and a little nervous for his wallet.

"It's okay Uncle Nick! I'm paying for half of this! I have a job and I promised Deliah that I would also be buying her some 4th of July spectacle," (Y/N) smiled, encouraging Uncle Nick to buy the other half... which he did. More comfortable now that the burden on his finances were less. I watched as they purchased the goods and we left the stall with some time before night fall. As we were about to jump into the car a couple of (Y/N)'s friends appeared. A man in a black shirt and jeans, he had black curly hair tied into a ponytail and some chin fuzz. He had pretty green eyes but light black circles and he was pale but what most girls would say he was mysterious and hot.

I was right he was quite the looker considering a pretty blonde, blue eyed, sun kissed female held onto his arm lovingly. They walked up to the car and greeted her and us merrily.

"(Y/N)! You bought some fireworks too! Quite a lot I see!" The pretty lady said.

"Cassie~ Ed~!" (Y/N) greeted happily.

"Sis. Who are they?" I asked.

"Oh! Deliah meet Edward and Cassidy my childhood friends, colleagues and coworkers at the restaurant. Ed, Cassie this is my cousin and little sister Deliah and my Uncle Nicholas."

"Please call me Nick," Dad said smiling as he shook their hands.

They talked for some time and eventually we all came to an agreement to go back to our house and celebrate. They bought their supplies for tonight and hopped into Ed's white pick-up and followed us. We made it home and I ran out and to Harry's door and knocked. Harry opened the door with a smile and hugged me. I smiled.

"Hey Harry! Want to hang over? We got a lot of stuff! We can all hang out, out front both of our families!" I huffed when I finished.

"Woah woah Deliah! Calm down. I was already planning on coming over and your dad came over the other day to invite my family to enjoy the 4th with you. We're gonna have a barbecue and everything!" Harry explained excitedly now walking over to my house with an arm around my shoulder. I grinned and walked with him into my house where we watched as (Y/N) friends stood in shock as they stared at Springtrap. 'Oh boy'.

"Cassie. Eddy~ This is my boyfriend Springtrap. Springtrap these two are my childhood friends and practically family. Cassidy and Edward... They're dating btw so you can stop glaring at him," (Y/N) said smiling as she saw how jealous Springtrap was over the man. I smiled too.

"Shall I go get the barbecue ready?" Dad asked.

"Great idea dad! Why don't all the boys help carry the grill to the front! Harry go get your older brother and dad to come and start grilling, okay. As for the girls, why don't we get the side dishes ready?" I resolved.

They looked at me surprised and nodded. Everyone getting to work.

Time Skip~

We all stood outside admiring the sunset all the couples snuggling close together. Harry and I sat on the porch eating hotdogs as we looked at the setting sun, anticipation filling within as we waited for the night to finally arrive. I glanced at (Y/N) who was currently eating a cheeseburger on Springtrap's lap whom, at the moment, was glaring at Edward which was comical since he was minding his own business as he gave Cassidy a bite of his burger. I smiled to see Dad talking with Harry's parents finally being sociable and not constantly working or worrying about me.

The sun set eventually and after my second hotdog I ran to my Dad and Sis and begged to start with the sparklers. Dad smiling passed out a sparkler to everyone and using the grill we lit them and watched, mesmerized by the golden sparkles which I ran around with leaving a glowing light trail. We all drew figures and had a competition to see who could draw the said item and be guessed correctly, (Y/N) won. Everytime. The small stuff began to dwindle and Harry's father announced that the "big guns" were coming out. We laughed and made our way to comfortable seating arrangements and waited for the light show.

Harry's dad and mine excitedly lit up the fireworks one by one. I sighed happily as Harry placed and arm around me and pulled me close, I laid my head on his shoulder. I saw Edward and Cassidy in a similar position and my favorite couple laid all cuddled close together on a blanket in the grass. I smiled as squealed inwardly as I saw (Y/N) and Springtrap holding hands, their fingers entwined and they laughed and conversed as they watch the blooming sky above.

"HAHAHA!!! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!<3" I could no longer contain myself. I scared Harry and everyone as they all looked at me in surprise which quickly turned into laughter and similar replies. And with that the night progressed smoothly under a clear starry sky and warm breeze.

Springtrap and Deliah (Springtrap x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now