Suit and Tie

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A/N: Sorry guys! I know it's been almost forever. I just finished summer school so now I actually have a lot of free time :D hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

[Third Person's POV]

"Don't worry! Everything is going to be okay" May spoke, smoothing down any wrinkles left on the already ironed suit.

Peter nervously played with the hem of the blazer, "I know. But don't you think this is too formal? I mean Mr. Stark is pretty laid back so he's probably going to show up in a button up shirt and some dress pants, not a suit."

"It may be a possibility but many important guests will be there so maybe Tony might decide to wear something formal, just in case" May answered, fixing Peter's slightly crooked bow tie.

Letting out a sigh, Peter nodded, "Your probably right Aunt May. Thanks for helping me get ready."

May smiled brightly, "Of course Pete."

She stepped back, examining Peter, before tears welled up in her eyes, "You look so much like Ben. He would've been so proud."

At the thought of his uncle, Peter's heart began to break and his eyes slightly stung before he hugged Aunt May tightly, "I miss him too."

Sniffling, Aunt May pulled away before smiling softly at Peter, "Your so grown up."

Peter let out a playful groan as Aunt May playfully ruffled his hair, "Really Aunt May? It took me like an hour just to comb it."

Aunt May chuckled before being interrupted by a knock at the door.

Curiously, Aunt May opened the door before smiling a dazzling smile, "Harold! How are you?"

"I'm doing well May, how are you" Happy asked, a ghost of a smile on his face.

"I'm doing pretty good" May answered, her cheeks softly glowing.

Before either could say anything else, Peter awkwardly chuckled, "Hey Happy."

Breaking out of the slight daze, Happy nodded at Peter, "Parker."

Peter smiled brightly, "Did Mr. Stark send you?"

"You guessed it kid. Now get in the car before we're both late" Happy said before nodding at Aunt May, "Nice to see you again May."

"Same here Harold" Aunt May answered.

Peter gave Aunt May a quick peck on the cheek before running after Happy.

* Time Skip*

"Come on Pete. We don't have all day" Happy grumbled as Peter stayed glued in his seat.

"D-Do you think he actually wants me here? Maybe it was an accident? What if it was another Peter Parker? Maybe he doesn't want me here? I mean I could be a nuisance to him. What if I embarrass him" Peter mumbled, becoming slightly hysterical.

"Hey. Hey! HEY" Happy exclaimed, interrupting Peter's nervous rant.

Peter fell silent as Happy let out a sigh, "Look Pete, Tony wants you there. Trust me. You're literally already like his kid, I think he would want you there for his special day. Your a good kid Pete."

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