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Hi so um ya this is just some of my thoughts and feelings on things as i go. I did just... Well not just but I came to terms with a part of me and I am truly am not sure if I should push that part of me away or not. Like the fact that I was born a female but I don't feel like a girl or act like one. Sometimes i get confused when i see a girl as my reflection. I know I'm trans. I've come to terms with that but i don't know if its a good thing. Should I feel this way or should i not? I was told that it's okay to be me but what if people don't like me. I also came to trems with the fact that I'm a little. Whitch if you don't know what that means it's like being a child but not a child. My little age ranges from 3 to 5. I'm not sure if thats something i should see as a good thing but i think i hide it very well that I'm a little. I'm scared that if my family finds out about any of this they'll say I'm a disappointment and honesty i known im the disappointment in the family, but i try not to be i truly do. Sometimes I just want to be myself. Oh and today at work i got to be a cook. I thought i was going to be on the hero line but i was on the pizza line and thats where everyone can see me so my boss and one of my coworkers had to keep telling me i was doing fine. I ONLY BURNT TWO PIZZAS!! XD it was so funny cause the whole night i was doing great but right when we slowed down i bernt them. My boss told me it was fine and that we could make another one but I still think i could have done better.

My aunt is coming in to town. Shes mean and likes to make everything about herself or her little family. To be honest it sucks when shes in town because she can't get a hotel she stays at my house! She acts like i don't exist until I do something wrong. Then she tells me everything I do wrong like i don't all ready know that stuff. Shes mean and so is her husband.

Ooo i have tedy bears there so cute!! I have a big one i us as a pillow case I'm scared of the dark and it helps when i feel like theres someone there with me. I also have a wight and Carmel brown bear there so cut and soft. I named them angle and devil!! I have a small bear me and my friend won at a fair. He has a small gold bow so i named him goldy. I have one i got from my grandma he's dark brown and lays on his tummy.

I like to draw and paint to get out my emotions because it's hard for me to talk to people. My life isn't really a happy story but i like to think that one day I'll find someone to be happy with and they won't hurt me. Well that is unless I ask.

Thats all i have I'm sorry I went on such a wierd track i sometimes get side tracked when i do thing and when i talk about how i feel unless i wirght it down people interrupt me or just blow me off in general. So thanks for reminding my rant and if you have anything to say i don't mind at all.

Have a nice day. I love you even though I don't know you!! ❤🐻

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