Chapter 1

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As Keith was getting lunch he saw a tall boy with short brown hair just poking at his food looking lonely so he went go sit by him. Lance looked at the raven haired boy then went back to poking at his food.

"Hi I'm Keith, what's your name?" Keith said to the brunette. Lance looked at Keith and signed 'My name is Lance.' Keith looked at Lance confused, "I don't know sign language sorry" he said.

Lance pulled out and note book and wrote 'My name is Lance.' Keith looked at it and smiled. "That's a nice name." He said. Lance smiled and wrote 'thanks'

Lance flipped the page and wrote 'why did you sit by me?' Keith looked at Lance "You looked lonely, sorry if I intruded your space I can go" Lance smiles and writes 'no stay no one ever talks to me'

The bell rang for them to go to class. Lance put his note book away and got up. "Wait Lance what class do you have?" Keith asked. Lance thought of a way to tell Keith since Keith didn't know sign language. Lance put four fingers up then none then two. "class 402?" Keith asked. Lance nodded and waved as he walked to class. Keith smiles and walked to his class.

*Skip to the end of the day*

Keith waited outside the school to see if Lance would like to walk with him. Lance walked out the school and saw Keith, going to him waving. Keith smiled and waved back, "Would you like to walk home together?" Lance's face lit up and nodded. "Okay, what way do you live?" Keith asked. Lance pointed left. "Okay I live that way too." Keith smiled and started walking with Lance.

"So how do you say my name is then my name in sign language?" Keith asked as they walked. Lance signed 'My name is Keith.' Keith tried to copy Lance but failed. Lance smiled and noticed that they were at his house. "Is this your house?" Keith asked. Lance nodded and held up his phone and opened to the contact maker. "you want my number?" Keith asked. Lance nodded. Keith smiled and put his number in, "text later?" Lance nodded and waved as he walked to the door.


Lance texts Keith 'Hey it's Lance'

Keith texted back 'Hey Lance'

Lance texts 'Do you have any questions you wanted to ask me?'

Keith texts 'Well its rude so I'm not gonna ask'

Lance texts 'Is it about why I don't talk, because that's the first thing a lot of people ask me'

Keith texts 'Well that's not nice and that wasn't even my question'

Lance texts 'Then what was it?'

Keith texts 'I don't wanna intrude on your privacy we just met'

Lance texts 'Okay, I'm sorry but imma go to bed wanna hang out tomorrow?'

Keith texts 'Sure, see you tomorrow Lance'

Lance texts 'See you Keith'

This is the first chapter of my new book I hope you like it!

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