what even is this?

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think of 'oh, shit!' as a support group. you dm me your problems, i publish it, and people help you out or make you feel better in the comments. let it all out, girlfriend.

get your cup of tea, left over pizza, and pringles because it's time to take one step forward in making teens happier for once. 

the goal: 

honestly, there are days where i just need to let it all out. sometimes, shit happens and i need someone to talk to. 

but people suck.

and the chances of me finding a good, totally awesome, and rad person to talk to is 0.0001%. just great.

my goal is to not let that happen to other people. i want everyone to feel like they can talk to someone. that maybe, just possibly with the help of other cool people over the internet, you can feel even a tiny bit better.

how it works:

it's kind of like 'the period project.' (which if you haven't read, go check it out.) you dm me your problems, dramas, feelings, then i will publish it, and readers will most likely help you out by leaving a nice comment or ways to handle your dilemmas. 

it's a community in which we all help out each other.

in any situation where you don't feel comfortable dm'ing me or your message exceeds the limit of characters, then ask for my email. 

also, if you want to be anonymous, then tell me so i can make your entry anonymous.

if you still do not get it, please feel free to ask questions in the comment section below. 

stay happy,

jen. xo

inspired by danisnotonfire's internet support group. 

oh, shit!Where stories live. Discover now