CHAPTER 6: PURSUING MY DEAR ONE (Part 5) | Datuk Wong Hong Seng

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Nur spent a long time chatting with me. Apparently, she owned Makan Café. She described her experiences and travails in setting up the café. The challenges she faced were not easy to surmount but she kept on persevering in order to build a new life in London. Her life story, filled with challenges and obstacles, held my attention. For a while, I forgot about Eunice.

As more customers streamed in for lunch, Nur excused herself to go and serve them. I sat alone. My mind was far away pondering the conversation we had just had. Nur's fortitude in facing challenges in her life opened up my mind to a new dimension. The term 'goals in life' took on a whole new meaning after hearing her story.

Seeing so many people were looking for an empty table, I quickly finished what was left of my coffee and got up to leave. I went towards the counter to pay. Eunice was still there. Her sweet smile vanished the moment she saw me.

"Kak Nur said it's on her," she explained when I passed her a twenty-pound note. She was looking downwards, as if reluctant to face me. It was obvious she was not enamoured by my presence here. I put the money back into my wallet and walked out.

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