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So this was originally going to be posted a few weeks ago but I've been MIA because my fiance lost his job so I've been trying to pick up extra hours at work to make sure we'll do okay until he finds a new job  and also because about a week and a half ago I lost two out of three of my pet rats within a day of each other which  was hard but here it is the long awaited  romitri one-shot I've been working on for the past few months. 

Rose woke up early Friday morning, today was the day of the 'party of the year'. Ivan's birthday party. While we all throw parties every once and a while Ivan is the one that throws parties more than anyone else. But first Rose and the gang had to get through the school day.

Ivan always suggested that they take the day off if he was having the party on a Friday night so they could all hang out for the day but it was senior year so taking a day off for that wouldn't be the best idea.

The past few weeks haven't been easy for them, assessments and exams have taken up most of their time but it was even harder for Rose and Dimitri. Rose and Dimitri have been best friends ever since they met at the beginning of high school but what they both hid from each other was the fact they developed feelings for each other over the years. They both believed the other didn't like them the way they felt. A few people thought Dimitri liked Rose simply because of how protective he was of her and whenever a guy would try and get with Rose, Dimitri would step in but Dimitri would always shut them down.

This year alone things have been 'heating' up between the two of them, touching longer than necessary, looking longingly at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking and no one noticed, accidental touching and a few moments here and there.

But the biggest thing about their developing relationship was the last party before school took over their lives, they revealed to each other that they had feelings after they shared a kiss on the dance floor but nothing went any further than that.

They hadn't had time to worry about their feelings with school work being a priority but they still continued to have moments together while studying.

Just last week they were at Rose's house while her parents were out and after a couple of hours of studying Dimitri decided they needed a break. They were mucking around like they usually would but things took a turn when Dimitri decided to chase Rose around the house. They were laughing and having fun when Rose ended up in her room cornered but as she tried to get past Dimitri without him catching her, he grabbed her, spinning her around while she giggled.

Except he lost his footing and they fell on her bed, him on top her pinning her to her bed. Suddenly he became aware of the situation but she was so beautiful and he couldn't move away from her and it seemed she was feeling the same. Her hand were gently resting on his chest while one of his arms was next to her head so he was leaning on his elbow and his other hand was resting on the side of waist close to her hit.

He noticed she kept glancing down at his lips as he was doing the same thing to her. "You're so beautiful Roza," he murmured. Before he could stop himself he was leaning in and gently placing his lips against hers.

The kiss at first was gentle but soon Rose wrapped her arms around his neck and he deepened the kiss. They were having a heavy make-out session when things started to get more serious. Rose moaned into the kiss igniting a fire within Dimitri as his hand that was on her waist slide down to her thigh and lifting her leg so it was wrapped around his hips and he was resting between her legs gently pressing himself against her core.

They both moaned at the feeling and before long things got even more heated, Rose started grinding herself gently against Dimitri causing him to growl and then he started grinding himself against her meeting her halfway. It was an amazing feeling and it was like they couldn't get enough but as Rose reached down to pull Dimitri's shirt off it was like a bucket of ice water was poured over him.

Romitri (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن