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Trigger Warning: This chapter will have a rape scene. Reader discretion is advised.

-Hyung = Bro

The first month living with Jack was like heaven. Everyday he took you out shopping and gave you a tour around Boston City. You were awestruck by everything the city had to offer but nothing was more perfect then spending those times with your loving boyfriend Jack Grazer.

"Yeah mom, Jack took me around Boston the other day and I bought a few clothes." You said as you were on the phone with your mother. It was a Sunday morning and you were home alone cleaning. Jack went out to buy food.

"That's wonderful sweetie. I'm so glad you're having fun." she replied. You can tell by her tone of voice that she was still sad about you leaving the house. "But y/n, when are you planing on getting a job?" she asked.

You sighed bitterly in response. "I already applied for several.''

Your mother stood silent for a few seconds before responding. "Is Jack helping you look for a job? And speaking of, where is he? I would like to say hello to him." she asked.

"He went out to get some food. He'll be back later." You said as you sat on the couch and looked at the clock.

He had left five hours ago and you wondered what was taking him so long.

Just as you were about to speak,  you heard laughter followed by the sound of the front door opening. "Oh looks like Jack is here. Mom I'll call you later." you said as you both said your goodbyes and hung up the phone.

As you got up from the couch, you froze when you saw Jack enter the room.

He was with three other guys, most likely his friends, but what caught you off guard was the fact that his hair was a completely different color. He had dyed it platinum blonde and had cut it a bit shorter than usual.

"Uh...hi Jack.." you said as you walked up to your boyfriend and kissed his cheek.

Jack smiled and ruffled his hair as he noticed you staring at it. "I know this is kind of a shock but these assholes talked me into it." he said as he motioned over to his friends. "Guys this is my girl friend y/n"

"I'm Noah Schnapp." The first one said. He was around the same height as Jack, with jet black hair that was hidden underneath a beanie.  He smiled at you and you couldn't help but smile back. You notice he had a heart shaped smile and it was quite nice to look at.

"I'm Asher Angel" said the other one. You looked over to him and as soon as you made eye contact, he licked his lips and winked at you. You couldn't help but giggle at him. He was really cute, like really cute.

"And I'm Wyatt Jess Oleff, it's nice to meet you y/n" Spoke the last one. He was very polite and well mannered. You instantly smiled brightly and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too Wyatt." you replied as you glanced over the thee of them.

"My goodness, they are all really cute..." you thought to yourself and over to your boyfriend who was glaring at the three of them. "So what took you so long?" you asked, breaking the tension.

Jack glanced over to you. "I had to wait for these idiots to show up, especially captain clumsy over here" he pointed to Wyatt. "He doesn't have a car so he takes the train from Las Vegas to get here." he added. "Then they talked me into changing my hair style and low and behold here we are...five hours later." he added with a groan.

"I like it." you said as you ran your hand through his hair. "Maybe I should dye my hair blonde as well." you teased.

"Actually you look really pretty with brown hair." Wyatt spoke. You felt your cheeks go red and giggled shyly. "Uh thank you." you replied as you looked over to the food they had brought. "So are you guys staying for dinner?" you asked.

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