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I looked around, still uncertain about my surroundings. The room was circular and the walls were only a few feet away from the center. There were several vertical lines on the wall, indicating that it was probably segmented.

The walls parted from the lines and it sound like a engine was turned on. Suddenly, the lights flickered off and the walls illuminated a neon blue color. Even with the light I could barely make out where the walls were. Slowly the walls started to spin in a circle and the engine sound increased.

The lights started to move up and down, touching the floor and then racing to the ceiling. I couldn't tell if the walls moved, or the lights moved. Each second, the pace quicken. And by now, I was sure that my heart would fall out of my heart.

To be honest, I was completely terrified. I didn't know where the hell I was, who bought me here, when they bought me here and how. I barely knew anything that happened before this and I felt my memories decrease to the point where I forgot my own name.

The walls spun faster and my short hair flew all over the place. When did I cut it this short?! I used to have hair to my knees! Right...?

I felt a surge of electricity pass through me and I dropped to my knees and clutched my skull for dear life.

The electricity felt weird flowing through my veins. It felt like a new liquid was added to my blood. I felt a slight pinch in the back of my head. My vision started to get worse too. The walls were closing in on me and my hands gripped my head so tight, I think I drew blood. Everything started to move out of place and I felt like I was standing on the ceiling.

The walls pressed my skin and came closer and closer making it hard to breathe. My body shook as the shock flowed through me.

I screamed and yelled and cried, but I knew no one could hear me. Even if they did I don't think they would have the heart to help anyways.

The walls were squeezing my bones and there was no more oxygen to take in. I gasped and choked on the air.

That was it.

That's how I'm going to die.

And when I thought it was the end, the walls swiftly moved back in place, making me collapse to the floor, gasping for air. The lights on the wall switched off and the engine stopped. The light was on again and I could finally see.

The walls parted making an entrance to form. A tall, lean man, probably in his 20s, came inside the circular torture room and smiled innocently at me. "Did you enjoy the ride?"

As the words left his mouth, darkness took over my eyes and Black was the only thing I noticed.

Hello people!
Hope you like this new story. I still haven't found a cover but once I do I'll put it up.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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