Chapter 14

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I was going to Davey's apartment to see if Jack was hiding there. I hope he's there, otherwise, I don't know where else to look. I already checked Medda's theater, and she said he wasn't there, so this is the only place he would go to. I knocked on the door, and Davey opened it.


"Oh Katherine, I'm surprised to see you here. What do you need?"

"Hey Davey, I want to know if Jack here"

"Umm...why would think that? H--he's not here". She gave me one of her looks. She knew I was lying. "Really, Katherine. He's not here"

"Davey", she said in a firm, serious tone.

"Ok fine! He's here, but don't tell any of the newsies"

"Crutchie told me what happened, so don't worried about telling anybody". I let her in after that, and we saw Jack talking with Crutchie.

"Umm...Jack?". They both turned at us, and were shocked to see Katherine.

"Oh, hey Katherine.'s everything?", Jack said nervously.

"How's everything?! How's everything?! You have been missing for two weeks, Jack Kelly! Don't you realize how worried I was!", Katherine shouted.

"Well, I thought it would be better if a few people knew about my whereabouts. You know the less people that know, the better"

"So, how come Crutchie knows about this?"

"Well, that's all Davey' doing. He promised Crutchie to let him see me"

"Oh no, Jack. 1. I didn't promise Crutchie anything, and 2. you didn't have to agree to that. That was all on you"

"Well, Jack. He does have a point"

"Whose side are you on, Crutchie? You know I can stop you from seeing me in a second, so choose wisely"


"That's what I thought"

"Anyways, back to our original conversation. Jack, you should have told me, or at least Medda. She was worried about you too.

"Oh, I didn't think she would care"

"Of course she would care, Jack. She knew the truth about your speech.

"Wait, she knows?"



"Yes Jack, not everyone thinks you're a traitor"

"Well, I guess we should let her know I'm alive"

"Yes you should, and Jack. The next time you disappear for two weeks without telling me, you would be looking at the world through one swollen eye". She left after that.

"So guys. Remind me to stay on Katherine's good side at all times"

"I feel we're going to have to give you a lot of reminders, Jack"


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