Soup X Toes

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It was a warm summer day andToes was walking because their toes and then they saw the soup and the soup was warm. The soup looked at the toes and said hey you look dummy thick should I pause The toast fuck The toes said I would guide dog again. The toes have a deep dark secret that they couldn't smile because they were a demon and beautiful and also an angel demon. The soup was terrified mentholated by this seeing as it was a snitch King. So then then the toes did the existence the toes said I can't live like this anymore being an angel demon I'm so beautiful and nobody will ever see my true soup

So the super amateur an apartment because the stupid bitch and he was also a bad boy and he was rich parents being rich he was super far he was OK. The tow said wow this is a really cool why where is the bedroom. So then the soup said oh it's over here in the back and then they walk through IKEA because he also lives in IKEA Pier yet. Are we back to the bedroom there was no escape no they were stuck in the IKEA labyrinth and they had to make it out together or they would die of being too cool way I. Coey said oh no soup what are we going to do we're stuck in IKEA and there's no escape there's a no reception on my phone and I can't call my mom and soup said back also shaking his rainbow hair to weave it doesn't matter darling will be in here for the rest of our lives together because we love each other kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss hey hey hey.

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