Just Confidence

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Sometimes I find myself wondering why I can't be confident. Why I can't speak to others without being to quiet for them to hear. Why I worry about others thoughts on me too much. Perhaps things would be different? Perhaps I could be a different person? I just can't stop myself from being so shy. Why? Because I don't try hard enough. So, what I'm telling you is to put yourself out there. Get out of your comfort zone sometimes. Be more confident about your decisions. Why care about those brats judging you? They don't matter. They are just not confident enough to do it themselves. If you do something out of your comfort zone, do you find yourself regretting your decisions? Do you find yourself looking for that 'unpost' or 'delete' button on that selfie you took that you posted on Instagram? Do you find yourself thinking, 'I could be so much better.'? Well, guess what? Forget about other people's opinions. Ignore the comments those people post on that photo of you. They are just not confident enough themselves. And, you couldn't be so much better. Want to know why I just said something like that? You probably think I'm being rude to you. Well, you're already at your very best. It's impossible to get any better than the perfect person you are now. Now, some of you may be thinking, 'But I've already made the decision to be mean to someone who already tried to post their selfie. It's already been deleted because of me.'. Well, I think that you just aren't confident yourself. And, you need to go explain to that person why you said such a thing as you did on that harmless post of theirs. So, go, post whatever you want without regret. Go talk amongst people you don't know. Boost their confidence and you will find yourself giving yourself that little confidence boost at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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