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Oneureun uri jogeum meolli issjiman
Bureooneun baram soge i maeum jeonhaeyo...

Irene smiled as she heard her own groupmate's sweet voice flood her ear.

Then she frowned.

When did I start listening to Seulgi's songs even in my spare time...

It was late at night, and Irene had just finished a whole day's worth of recordings. After waking up ridculously early in the morning to film a commerical, then moving on to a photoshoot, she had travelled all the way from Seoul to Daegu, to film her episode of the Eye Contact Cam. Sure, it was fun making macarons and seeing her old friend, but after acting deliberately bubbly for the entire day, Irene was absolutely drained. She decided to end the day's filming on the train, where she signed off. As she turned the camera off, she stared out of the window and let out a sigh.

Fuck i'm tired.....

She watched blindlessly out of the window, where there was nothing but pitch blackness, along with the occasional light here and there. She let out another huff as the train rolled on.

I really want to get back to the dorm....

I wonder if anyone's awake...

I wonder if Seulgi's awake...

Just the pure prospect of thinking of her girlfriend made Irene smile. The two had been dating for some time now. While all the members knew, they had agreed to keep it a secret to the outside world. It was just easier. Probably for the better, as well. Irene couldn't imagine how many fanboys would leave her if she made it clear that she was taken. Besides, Korea wasn't exactly famous for taking this sort of news well. Outside the promotion period, SM usually let the artists focus on personal development. After garnering up fame from promotions and comebacks, it was time to reap what had been sown. Members usually took this time to act in dramas and commercials, raking in large sums of money.

This was a problem for Irene.

A big problem.

She was very famous.

Way too famous.

Night and day, she was travelling all aroud Seoul and Korea, doing shoots here, doing interviews there. Sure, it was great for her income as well as the group, and it kept her occupied.

But boy was it tiring.

After what seemed like an eternity, the train finally reached the grand train station of Seoul. Without almost no hesitation, Irene bolted up from her seat, desperate to get off. She and her manager quickly made their way out of the station, doing their best not to attract any unnecessary attention. It was late at night, and Irene had barely any energy left to sustain herself, let alone do fanservice. After a short car ride back home, courtesy of her manager, she was finally back at her dorm.

She took a quick look at her phone.

It's 2am...

I can't believe I actually made it back... I thought the day was never going to end...

She sluggishly dragged her body across the pavement, her exhausted arms and legs protesting. As she rounded the last corner, the sight that greeted her lit up her face.

It was her dormitory, finally.

Red Velvet's dormitory.

But more importantly, there was a light still on.

Someone was still awake!

She closed the remaining distance in record time, suddenly full of energy, anticipating.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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