Yall favorite Queen Najia song 👸🏽🎤

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Devin- Medicine (💊)
"Medicine"is y'all favorite song because both of y'all went through the same situation with your exes.

Kevin- Away From You (😞)
"Away From You" is y'all favorite song because when Kevin is on tour or at his house instead of yours you feel as if this song describes how much you love and miss Kevin.

Daniel- War Cry (😢)
"War Cry" is y'all favorite song because before you meet Daniel you were a bad girl and when I say bad girl I mean bad gurl and you also had a abusive boyfriend but on day you meet Daniel at the mall and next thing you know y'all are talking 24/7 and Daniel is helping you change your ways so you can leave your boyfriend. Let's just say Daniel turned you into a church/good girl.

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