Hidden 3

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Chapter 1

                I turned over to my side, looking over at Bianca, who was still sleeping. Almost instantaneously, she turned around, her face lighting up. This was how it always was. I got up, she got up. The second she slept, I’d fall asleep. We didn’t know why. It was like a crazy psychic connection.  It WAS a crazy psychic connection. So we let it be.

                I guess we were scared.

                We could read each other’s thoughts. There was no complicated way to put it. I knew what Bianca was thinking, and she knew what I was thinking. It was that simple. But there weren’t coherent thoughts; it was more of a feeling, a vibe.

                And I turned in my crib, and so did she.

                “Bianca,” my mouth formed the word, but it sounded more like “Anca”. She softened at the sound, her baby mouth curving into my name as well. “Bee.”

                So to each other, I was now Bee, and she was now Anca. And it stuck. Names given as babies in cribs stuck until we were teenagers.

                Teenagers. Time had flown by. It was sad though; thirteen years, and I could count the number of truly happy moments I’d had on my fingers. All of them had been with Anca. None with my parents. Our parents were always gone, busy, or scrunched together in their office all day.

                Glimpses of those happy moments, from what seemed like a long time ago, shone in my mind and I smiled to myself. I was Bree Foller. I had a twin sister, Bianca Foller. We were absolutely identical, down to fingerprints, even. We understood each other.

                It was like a built in best friend, really. We moved often, but Bianca was always there for me. Always. Despite everything, despite everywhere. We weren’t normal people, but that wasn’t how it felt. We could always depend on each other, and that’s what mattered. That’s ALL that mattered, at this point in time. Everything was going to change, soon, we just didn’t know about it yet.

                We didn’t know about anything, yet.

                Sleep, eat, talk. That was our lives. That was everything. We didn’t go to the park, or to the library, or anywhere, really, together. Our parents would walk out of the house in the mornings sometime, and wouldn’t come back until noon, but we never asked them where they went. Why know anything, when we seemed happy the way we were? We were full, but we were empty. And oblivion was best, we would find out later. Those years of our lives where we never questioned everything were probably the best years of our lives. Times we would look back on and envy. Times we would miss.

                Times we would wish we had treasured.

                And I turned to Bianca, and we both smiled, oblivious. We were playing tic-tac-toe, one of our simple games that kept us both occupied. It wasn’t as though we enjoyed the game, but more of that we both needed something to pass the time. Bianca marked an “X” in the only remaining box, and we both sighed. A tie. Again. We ALWAYS tied in tic-tac-toe, but we continued to play, hoping that one of us would win or lose and make it…interesting.

                Our lives were that boring.

                A creak of the door told us that our parents had come back home from a day in the city and we both leaped up with enthusiasm. Perhaps, today, we would be able to do something fun? Maybe something outside? Every day we hoped. Every day, our hopes were crushed. Rays of light shone onto our faces for a single moment, before the door slammed shut as quickly as it had opened.

                “Mom? Dad?” I said softly.

                “Yes, honey?” Dad answered. Mom just stood there, still as ever.

                “We were wondering if we could…” Bianca paused. “Go outside?” At this mom’s head popped up, her eyes wide and frantic.

                “NO! NO!” She yelled, waving her arms wildly. Tears began trickling down her face as her voice softened. “We’re sorry.”

                My hands tightened into fists. We were teenagers. We were humans, too. What made us different from all of the other people who we saw (through a window) walk to a school every day, eat lunch at the Square, and have freedom?

                “We haven’t done anything WRONG!” I roared, thirteen years of anger and sadness bursting through every word. Bianca grimaced, and I could feel all of her anger too, which only fueled mine. We had been trapped inside all our lives, with only stolen glimpses through a window at normal lives.

                And for once, our parents decided to answer our questions.


Again, I'm sorry it's so crappy. And that I haven't uploaded in FOREVER. I really am sorry. I've been really busy lately... :(

So the story will truly start next chapter, I'll describe how they both look, and you'll get a good look at their world. :D

So basically, they're hidden. From everything. They've never actually been outside, except for on certain days in their backyard, but they don't know why they're not allowed to be seen. What would you do, if you were trapped like that? :)

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