22 hours. It's a mere coincidence.

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"It was to find myself in your eyes and feel in love. I was less fragile with you..."

"I know you might be thinking that you shouldn't tell too much information to a stranger but can I tell you something? Your smile is pretty, don't take it off from your face." He said that like if he were rehearsing the day before, this is very good to me to be honest. After telling me that... "The flight 994 bound for Dublin please board, third call " A lady said from the speaker of the airport "I have to go, take care and smile, as they say, you never know who might fall in love with your smile" the mysterious boy stood up, gave me a nice smile and left. I looked away while analyzing and digesting all that he said, maybe my parents paid for him... please, that idea is absurd. Maybe that guy was wrong or....not, just forget it because it is a mere coincidence, he goes to Dublin and I go to London ...

I was kind of in schock after that, I was ready to board the plane, just waiting for the lady's voice. Finally I got into the plane. I am very excited because when I was a child I remember that I used to love traveling, in car, bike, airplane or whatever, the idea is exciting and I know this is going to be a long trip. I need time to think about everything and this is the right moment. I was already in my seat, putting me comfortable, I took my headphones and phone out of my bag, my playlist was ready but the battery won't last the entire trip... "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran was playing when the flight attendant began to speak, I didn't hear the complete information, just heard "...because of technical problems, this doesn't alter this flight, thanks. " I just literally had no idea what was happening but she said that this thing won't alter my flight so I just came back to Mia's world. I just close my eyes and start to think about many things, my head is quite active in that aspect, I think too much, that's the problem. The first thought was ¿Why my friends didn't care about me anymore? They supposed to be there anytime for me and then they just went away. I think that was the first thing that put myself down. I knew it, damn it. I knew that something was going on and I was still there, it happened a year ago and now I'm stronger than the last year. It must be madness, the way we let things devour us, the way we let the things we want out, back in and the horror of it all is, we stay attracted to everything that hurts. We cling to it and never really learn to let go. So perhaps we do want happiness but we also desire to keep the pain close, close enough to destroy us, close enough to define us and close enough to make us feel a little less cold. That situation changed me completely because I am who I am now thanks to them.

It's 23:00 pm, we left Sydney nine hours ago and the most incredible thing is that the seats next to me are empty. I drank too much water so I really need the toilet. All the people were sleeping and I was trying very carefully not making any noise. When I got into the airplane there weren't a lot of people, maybe that was the information that the flight attendant gave to us. When I was walking through the corridor I could notice something different, I saw that guy who was talking to me at the airport, he is here. For one minute I had goosebumps and my heart started to beat faster as hell. No, it's just mere coincidence. I took a deep breath and keep walking until I found my seat. I couldn't be more nervous, if you think about it is actually quite stupid for me to be a little bit 'nervous' because no, it just doesn't make sense, I just met him and he just told me nice stuff and that's it. Besides he is the most handsome boy I have ever seen. See? that's my problem, he probably doesn't think about me or even remember my name or...I don't even know his name and he doesn't know mine. Well, I have a problem. I actually have a lot of problems and I'm just realizing that. I decided to stop all my thoughts because I am really tired and I need some sleep. Maybe we're at the half of he trip and I'm still asking why is he here?


When I woke up I could see the sunrise, I have been asleep 7 hours, that is good for me. I decided to take a photograph of this amazing landscape. I can't get tired of it. It's unbelievable. The sun barely peeks over the horizon and can barely be seen through the clouds. Looks like it's finally October with typical winds at five o'clock look more delicious than any hour. It seemed that something was telling me that there are things to be happy for, to enjoy every moment and not take things too seriously. I just forgot about everything and It felt so good.

Back to reality, I was hungry and I wanted to eat a candy, mom gave it to me before I went. I turned to the left to open my bag and the first thing I saw is the green-eyed boy sleeping in the third seat. My heart stopped for a moment and I got blushed. ¿What is he doing here? I actually want to wake him up and ask him but I can't because I can't move...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2014 ⏰

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