|C h a p t e r 28|

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You are not mine,
but sometimes
i pretend that
you wish you were

I create this idea
that you secretly
want me

And I often forget
it's just something
i've made up

You do not want me,
and you are not mine.



|The Dare That Started It All|

★K a t i e★

Heartbreak was one of the worst pains I've ever experienced. It hurt me both mentally and physically. Because, when somebody you deeply care about leaves, they take a piece of your heart with you.

It was truly my own fault; I should have been more aware of the signs. But, before this, I had never been in a relationship before. Everything with Travis had been a first. And, I knew deep inside, I was slowly passing my heart over to him.

And, then he had to go and break it.


From the start, I constantly told myself that Travis was a player. I shouldn't have been suprised by his hateful words because I already knew this part about him. How he would toy with a girl until he got bored and then move on to the next. But, while I was fake dating him, I saw a different side to him.

I saw the one that loved to be goofy and play Just Dance and tell me cheesy pick-up lines. The one that would do anything for his mom and brother. And, I saw the boy behind the cocky smirks and sarcastic remarks. The caring, innocent, broken side of him that really only wanted to be loved.

So much of it frustrated me and left me with unanswered questions. But, I really, really wanted to know if he was faking the entire thing? Because, I wasn't. So, was he when he told me he cared about me? Just last night, he said to me things that made my heart race and sent butterflies to my stomach.

And, as much as I wanted to hate Tavis Stoll, I just couldn't do it.


It's been five days since my fallout with Travis.

Since then, I have only cried, slept, and locked myself in my room. My siblings must have know something was clearly wrong, but, when they asked I responded the same way each time: "I don't feel well".

Which, really isn't a lie. I didn't feel well. Right as I came running into the cabin with tears streaming down my face, Miranda, Calypso, and Selena, came barging in with tissues and chocolate. They listened to me rant about it all, while still crying like crazy.

Before, I felt nothing but anger towards Travis for talking about me like that, but now- I just felt sadness. Because, there was a deep longing for Travis in my stomach. It's strange how I got so used to being with him everyday. We went from being sworn enemies to fake dating.

In the last few days of my hibernation, he has came to my cabin a total of four times. The first two were to apologise- which my siblings slammed the door on his face. Next, was to leave daises (my favorite flower) on the cabins doorstep. This morning, he left a note and a necklace.

And, I know I shouldn't have, but I kept the necklace.

It was beautiful with a delicate gold chain. Connected onto it was a small bottle that was filled with colorful flowers. Then, on the back, was a small tage that had the words "Katie-Kat" carved into it. Miranda would have told me to throw it away, but, I just couldn't.

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