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Name: Shadow the Killer

Gender: Female

Species: Shadow Drake/Wyvern/Wyrm.

Age: 32 as a Drake/Wyvern/Wyrm, 17 as a Human

Appearance (drake/Wyvern/Wyrm): Silver scales, purple eyes, black bat wings, snake like body, and is only 2 FEET TALL! Extremely dangerous (I felt like that was needed :P)

Appearance (human): Silver short spiky hair, purple eyes, black hoodie, silver shirt, blue jeans, black combat boots, and has a normal 17 year old height.

Weapons: (human) Knife, pocket knife, and a black sword. (Drake) The Shadows.

Powers: To control, hear, and enter the realm of the shadows.

Love interests: Dark Spark.

Backstory (basic):

She was a normal girl that got bullied. One day she went insane and turned into the drake/Wyvern/Wyrm thing she is today.

Backstory (NOT basic):

A teenager got on the bus to go to school. She had silver hair, purple eyes, a purple shirt, blue jeans, black boots, and a black backpack. She sat down in her seat on the bus.

"Hay Karen!" One of her friends said. His name was Abraham and he had blonde hair, blue eyes, a white shirt, grey cargo shorts, white shoes, and a white backpack.

"Hay Abraham!" She replied in a upbeat and happy tone, contradicting her appearance.

"Is that Karen I hear?" A voice said from behind her. A girl with brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, a pink shirt with a chibi heart on it with a blush, a grey skort (skirt + short), brown boots, and a red backpack popped up from the seat behind them.

"I think it tis!" A boy with brown hair, green eyes, a black shirt, dark green shorts, black shoes, and a green backpack popped up beside her.

"Hay Taylor! Hay Johnny!" Karen replied.

"Read any new fan fics?" The girl, Taylor, asked.

"SIT DOWN!" The bus driver yelled at the two teens.

"But we are!" Karen, Johnny, Abraham, and Taylor all said at the exact moment, sending a shiver up everyone's spine. That what those 4 were like to the outside world. Siblings from different families. Always happy to see each other, no matter what was happening.

The 4 chatted among themselves until they reached school.

"See y'all at PE!" Karen yelled to the boys, "I'll see you in class Taylor." The boys had different classes than the two girls, but they all went to PE together. The 3 nodded and went in different directions to get to their lockers.

"There you are." Karen heard as she passes a corner.

"****" Karen muttered under her breath. She turned around to see the school bully, Jessica Robertson, standing there. She had long blonde hair, Brown eyes, a red dress, and red dress shoes. "What do you want Jessica?"

"Oh nothing, just a, small favor." Jessica smiled. Or smirked. No one could tell. Karen looked around. The halls around her were completely empty. "Did you not hear the bell ring? Your lucky I decided to hang around." Next thing Karen saw before being blind folded against her will, was the glimmer of a blade in Jessica's hand.


Karen awoke in a bathroom, surrounded by people. They were Jessica's minions. They all had brown hair and brown eyes, and were all wearing red. Karen tried to yell, but all that came out was a muffled scream. Jessica started speaking. Karen didn't hear her though. She was only hearing one voice in her head.

"Oh no! What happened? Karen you there? Of course your there! Or else I wouldn't be here duh. God I am stupid. What happened though? Why is jerk face over there holding a knife?" This was her shadow. The shadow didn't have a name, and she liked it like that, but only Karen could hear her. Karen could hear everyone's shadow, but blocks them out because some were mean. One thing her shadow said caught her attention. She looked over at Jessica. Sure enough, she was holding a knife.

"And that is why we are going to kill you." Jessica finished.

"K-k-kill?" Her shadow whispered.

"Hold her down." Jessica said. The minions rushed towards her, and held her limbs to the floor. No matter how much Karen struggled, they kept a tight grip. Jessica began to cut into her thighs. The pain was unbearable for both her and her shadow. Blood seeped through and into the jeans, staining them. Both Karen and her shadow nether screamed or cried. Jessica then cut her chest. Karen's tears welled up against her shut eyelids. Jessica then went for the throat, but stoped when she heard a gasp. It was Taylor's.

Taylor's gasp was then followed by running footsteps, whispers, and more running. Karen struggled again, but to no advance. She was just about to accept her fate when the knife Vega to cut her neck.

Her sanity snapped. No one but Karen's shadow knew how delicate Karen's sanity was. It was about as delicate as pottery. All it took was a push. This was it.

A white ball consumed the room, surrounding Karen. Her form changed into her Drake/Wyvern/Wyrm form, slowly. Jessica and her minions watched in awe at the sight before them.

When the transformation was done, the white light died. The place where the once human was, now laid a Drake/Wyvern/Wyrm that was black with red stripes and blood red eyes with her black bat wings stretched out. Her left eye was twitching rapidly and her face wore an insane smile. No one seemed to notice their shadows slowly rising behind them.

"Hear the shadows." were the last words heard by those people before being decapitated.

By the time Taylor and a few adults arrived, it was too late. On the floor laid dead bodies, heads, and it was stained in blood. On the walls were 3 words, written in blood. 'Hear the shadows.'

A small window in the bathroom was open and a breeze was blowing in.

The girl named Karen Sarkozy hasn't been found.


Admin: That's about all you need to know about Shadow and her past.

Shadow: *wipes tears from here eyes* The ending gets me everytim.

Admin: O.o

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