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this fanfic is going to be based on season one of American Horror Story, "Murder House". i am going to try my best not to make it too much like the show, because i know that is boring and shows a lack of creation. however, i really love this show and that season, and i know many others do as well. so enjoy :-)

(((((((ALSO there are mature concepts in this story including sex, drugs, alcohol, suicidal ideals and self-harm so PLEASE read with caution if you're not comfortable with any of these topics. xox)))))))




I feel as though the word pathetic encompasses my life completely. I'm pathetic. My parents are pathetic. My life is just... Pathetic.

I am pathetic for when I'm at school or socializing with others, including my family, I would rather be sitting in my room listening to music. Or smoking. Or hurting myself.

Now, do not think that I crave attention, so I take a blade to my skin to show that I am worthy of other people's affection. No. I do it because it feels right. It feels safe.

My parents? Do not even get me started. My parents are pathetic for thinking that I am naive enough not to know what is going on between them.

They have been have marital problems ever since my mother found my father banging some random patient of his in their bed. She goes around acting like my father has done nothing wrong when I am around the two of them, however I am fully aware of what goes on behind closed doors.

So, my friends, that is why I am moving from my home city of Boston to Los Angeles. Apparently, if you need to fix your marriage you need to uproot your whole family and move across the country. Maybe across the world would work even better.

I pack my final bag into the car. We did not put many things of ours into our car, because we had hired movers and rented a moving truck and whatnot. This big affair is quite tiring, and I am not exactly loving it.

I am not sure why we could not take a plane to Los Angeles rather than driving for days across the country. I understand that we need a car, however selling the one we currently have and buying a new one once we got there would be more reasonable.

I will spare you the boring details of the pain-stakingly long games of "I Spy" and the "License Plate Game".

We stopped at a few hotels.





After what seemed like an eternity, the large house came into view. Its brick detail and stained glass windows gave it character. The house may have been ancient, but I began to obtain a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, this would not turn out to be so bad.

Boy was I wrong.

The weekend consisted of me dragging boxes and bags into the house, setting up my room, finalizing my school papers that would allow me to enroll this semester to the local high school, and sleep. I slept a lot. It is what happens when I am sad.

Once the weekend passed, the week ahead of me dragged out. I did not go to school, but I was starting next week. Lets just say that I am not too thrilled to be starting a new school.

My father is a therapist/psychiarist, while my mother is a stay-at-home mom. They have been trying to have a baby for months now. I almost had a younger sibling at one time, however my mother miscarried. She was a wreck afterwards. She still is. She's just better at hiding it.

The new house is gigantic, and we got it for a decent price, the only reason being that the previous owners died in this house. I guess my parents did not really care considering we still moved.

The part about this whole thing that bothers me most is that they never asked what I wanted. What I wanted to do. How I felt about this situation, or moving, or anything. They do not care.

My dad has this one patient; Ashton. I have seen him a few times, and each time we encounter each other I find him staring at me. We have never spoken, or interacted in any way, really. All I know is that he is attractive, and a bit of a psychopath.

I casually made my way down my staircase and into my kitchen, my eyes glued to my phone. Once I entered the next room, my body collided with another person's. I fell down and looked up to see Ashton taring at me once again.

"Sorry," he muttered nervously.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. I should've looked at where I was walking," I replied, getting up, with help from Ashton. He extended his hand, signalling for me to grasp it as he hoisted me up.

"I'm Ashton."

"I know," I replied, "you're here often."

"So are you," he replied, smiling a bit.

"I live here."

"Excuses, excuses," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes as I turned around to walk up the staircase again. Suddenly, I felt a grip on my wrist as I was pulled back toward Ashton.

"I want to see you again," he said breathlessly.

"Okay," I simply exclaimed, "I'm always here."

He smiled as his grip loosened. There was something about this boy, something odd. He had wuite a nervous energy but was quite blunt and straightforward.

"You never told me your name," Ashton sighed.

"It's Aurora."

As I replied, we stood there for a moment as a brief pause. I took this as the time for me to exit. I slowly turned around and headed up to my room.



YAAAAY an ashton fic finally.

i really hope you guys like it, it's kinda a last minute sort of thing so i wrote this in about 5-7 minutes. i just wanted to see what type of reaction i get.

also; i know ashton is VERY blunt and "eager" and it may seem like it's all moving too quickly, but in american horror story, tate and violet are involved with each other in the first episode so yeeeee.


dont forget to vote/comment/follow!

- Shannon xox

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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