Lei Lang

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Lei Pov

I looked out the window of my private jet. My manager wants me to go National starting with Japan. I know Japanese well since I'm Japanese American. Going to Japan is nice and has been a dream but I was planning it AFTER high school.

Hi I'm Lei Lang, better known as LeiLei. I have black hair and black eyes. I'm the first ever Demon Inu Wolf singer. I have black ears and a matching tail.

My plane landed and I got up and walked off and was immediately surrounded by paparazzi. I sighed. At least I had my make up on which was a smokey eye that was dripping under the eye with white stars under my eyes. It was topped off with black lipstick and white shadow triangles on my ears. I was dress in a black Nike cropped hoodie top then some Nike sweats and Nike sneakers. I got into my limo and was driven to my school since the time zone difference it's morning here.

I arrived at my school and got out my limo and looked up at the school and walks inside. Immediately all eyes were on me. I walked through the halls to my locker and got to it. I was given my locker combo and schedule already via Email. I opened my locker and put my bag in it and closed it and walked to class. I knocked on the door and was let it. I stopped by the desk

"Alright although we already know you miss LeiLei please introduce yourself to the class" the teacher said

"Alright first of all I would appreciate it of you called me by my real name Lei Lang and I'm from the US but I can speak Japanese since my parents are Japanese anyway yes I'm a star but I really want to be treated like a normal teenage girl with wolf ears" I said

I walked to an open seat and sat down. I looked around and saw a blonde haired girl with tiger ears and tail then a guy with white hair that had wolf ears and tail. Well at least I'm not alone.


I was walking in the cafeteria with my lunch in hand. Suddenly I slipped and fall and my food fell on me. Everyone surrounded me either asking if I was ok or video taping me. I just sat there then looked at as that boy from class held out his hand. I grabbed it and stood up. I wiped tje food off as I walked out. Luckily I brought my make up pouch and a change of clothes.

"you ok?" A male voice said from behind me

I turned. It was the guy who helped me up

"yea thanks" I said

"I'm Jey by the way Jey Turimaku" he said

"Nice to meet you" I smiled "well I better get changed" I walked to the bathroom

I got changed and fixed my make up. I was now in black and white Adidas wear. I walked out the bathroom and out my clothes in my locker. I put my headphones on and played my instrumental to Never Enough. I sighed and started to singing


I walked to my locker when I heard singing

3rd pov

Lei stood by her locker

"I'm trying to hold my breath

Let it stay this way
Can't let this moment end
You set off a dream in me
Getting louder now
Can you hear it echoing?
Take my hand
Will you share this with me?
'Cause darling without you" Lei sang and looked around

"All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the nightsky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough" she closed her eyes singing her heart out

"For me
Never, never
Never, never
Never, for me
For me
Never enough
Never enough
Never enough
For me
For me
For me" Jey peeked in the hallway and looks at the singing black beauty

"All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough

For me
Never, never
Never, never
Never, for me
For me
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
For me
For me
For me" she turns and sees Jey and stops for a second

"For me" she sang softly

Jey stepped out and clapped.

"That was amazing you write all your songs?" He asked

"Oh um no I have writers but that never enough yea I wrote myself most if my songs i wrote aren't used...ok I'm lying none of them are used" Lei said and sighed

"Why not"

"Manager orders" she leaned back on the lockers

Lei Pov

"Here" jey said holding out a granola bar to me

I took it and ate it

"Thanks" I said

We talked for the rest of lunch. He was a nice guy. When the bell ring we walked to class.

*After school*

I stood outside as my limo pulled up and got in. I sat back and went to my new place. They parked and I got out and walked in my big house and looked around. This big house and only I live here. My parents died back when i was 10. I walked up to my bedroom and went to my vanity, which was already there, and took off my make up. I got a text and grabbed my phone. It was Jey

Jey: Hey Lei

Me: Hey

Jey: what you up to?

Me: nothing much just got home

Jey: alright how about we go and get some milkshakes?

I thought about it.

Me: alright I'll meet you text me the address

I got up and grabbed my hat and sunglasses. I put on the hat my ears peeking out the holes i cut in them. I put on my sunglasses and walked out and looked at phone for the address and started to walk to it. I saw him there in a black hoodie with black sweats. He had the hood on as I approached him. His ears were peeking out the hood. Then I looked next to him and the blonde girl from our class.

"Lei you made it oh and this is Kanmi my best friend" Jey said

"What's up" Kanmi said

She was wearing a white hooded vest with blue jeans and black and white converse high tops. Her blonde hair was in pigtails with white ribbons.


We sat for an hour and a half drinking milkshakes and talking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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