Chapter 8 Trust issuses

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A few days had past and Quinn had got on the Cheerios she was really happy ,so she had to tell coach some things about Santana ,but it's not like she was lying.

Quinn mite have been ok with what she told sue but Santana was definitely not ok with it so Santana decided she had to do some thing called pay back.


"How dare u sleep with her" Quinn yelled

"Hi babe how are you going" Puck asked

"Why did you sleep with her" Quinn said hurt

"Might I remind you were not together" Puck said

"You know she did this cause she was mad at me" Quinn reminded Puck

"Why do you care" Puck Questioned again

"Cause you could have pick any girl in the school and you pick her ,like why" Quinn anger was getting worse.

"I don't no" Puck said

"You can forget about getting Beth this weekend" Quinn said storming away

"Oh come on Quinn don't bring her in to this" Puck said annoyed

"Well how can I trust that you won't bring a new girl over every time Beth is there ?" Quinn question

"I won't do it again" Puck said trying to get Quinn to turn back

"I don't trust you anymore" Quinn said as she left

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