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    "I don't EVER want to see your face again, Sophie!!" Callie yelled on the phone to her girlfriend, who she just found out had been cheating on Callie with an octo boy from the skate park. They had been together for a few weeks, and Callie had been so happy with her, until she found out from her friend Agent 4 what Sophie had been doing behind Callie's back.
Tears streamed down her face, she couldn't even catch her breath for a minute from her sobbing.

"I wish I had never met you! Just get out of my life!!" She continued to yell.

Sophie, on the other line, was acting as if she hadn't done anything wrong.

"So that's it? You never want to see me again? All just because I-"

"Stop! You're damn right I never want to see you again!" Callie's voice was cracking. It was becoming too overwhelming for her to handle.

"Callie, are you oka-" Sophie began to ask, before she heard the click on the other end. Callie had hung up on her, she now was laying on her bed trying her best to not let this break her.

Who was she kidding? This was tearing her apart. Although they had only been dating for a few weeks, they had known each other for almost 6 months. Amd the truth was, Callie loved Sophie. And accepting the fact that Sophie obviously didn't love her back, was a big pill to swallow for Callie.

Of course, in time she would be fine. Sooner or later. But for right now, she felt numb. She had been crying for an hour. She layed in bed, staring up at the ceiling of her apartment. 

After a while of just staring blankly up, she went and blocked Sophie's number. She stared out the window for a second and decided that staying home and being sad about something she can't fix isn't good for her. So, she changed out of her pyjamas and put on a pink tanktop and black jacket and jeans.

Callie headed out and since Makomart was closest to her apartment, she strolled on over there.

The chill of the air conditioning when she walked in made her shiver a bit. Zipping up her jacket, she picked her head up a bit, trying her best to look confident.

Even if she had to fake it.

Callie ended up in the cereal section. She didn't come with the intention of buying anything, but she quickly changed her mind when something caught her eye.

A Corn Flakes- style cereal sat atop a shelf before her. "I haven't had this in years!" She thought as memories of her childhood came rushing back to her, along with memories of Marie. How she missed Marie....

She quickly snapped out of this daydream before her emotions got the better of her.

"I'd love to try it again!" She thought.

Callie tried reaching up to grab the cereal, but the shelf was just slightly out of her reach.

"Dang it..." She whispered. Then, as if out of nowhere, she heard a voice behind her.

"Excuse me, miss, do you need help reaching something?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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