Part Twenty-One | The Dawn of a New Day

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It's the waves meeting the shore that wake Clementine the next morning. She sighs with satisfaction and rolls onto her side, aware of a slight breeze that's blowing gently around the bedroom. She looks over to the window by the balcony and sees that it's been left slightly ajar, Clementine yawns and lies back on the bed as she listens to the alluring sounds of the ocean. Next to her Violet sleeps soundly. She's lying on her stomach; her back is bare, unobstructed by fabric or night clothes and a smile is painted on her face.

Clementine pulls the covers up over her own bare chest and smiles as she watches Violet sleep. She gently moves a strand of hair away from Violet's closed eyes, and she continues to smile to herself as her girlfriend deeply exhales and broadens her own smile. Clementine leans up on her arms as she turns her attention back to the room; clothes are strewn all across the floor, the sheets are ruffled and her hair is knotted and dishevelled. She can't help but smile as she falls back onto the pillow and relives the events of last night.

Everything was red. Passionate, fiery, driven by lust and longing, yet still tender, patient and loving.

Clementine turns to look at Violet once more, she's still sleeping peacefully. She moves her eyes up and over Violet's slumbering body and glances out at the balcony doors which have begun to let in the light as dawn unfolds. The sun is beginning to rise and Clementine quickly remembers their plans to go paddle boarding out onto the open waters, but when she looks at how peaceful Violet is, she decides against waking her.

She rolls onto her back again and glances at the clock on the bedside table, it's just before 7 am. Clementine settles back down onto her pillow and lets her eyes close, attempting to fall back to sleep. She steadies her breathing and melts into the soft mattress below her, inhaling the sweet scent of cherries that she's come to associate with Violet. Sleep almost overcomes her but just as she begins to drift away Violet awakens beside her. Clementine opens her eyes at the movement and tucks the duvet beneath her chin as she turns her head to watch Violet come to.

"Hi," Violet says softly as she leans over and presses a kiss on Clementine's bare shoulder. The brunette smiles and rolls over in bed so she's on her side facing Violet. The blonde moves as well, getting closer to Clementine until the girls are just barely touching. Their bare legs are entangled amid the sheets and with a new sense of assurance Clementine slowly outstretches her hand and places it on the soft skin of Violet's back. She used to have fantasies about laying in the morning sun with Violet like this, she used to think her fantasies would never become reality. Only this isn't a dream.

"Good morning beautiful," Clementine says with a confidence that she didn't have before. She uses her fingers tips to trace small circles on Violet's skin, connecting the faint freckles that are scattered over her shoulder and upper back. Almost as if she's connecting constellations in the night sky. Violet smiles and nuzzles the side of her face into the pillow.

"Good morning Clem," she responds, blinking and turning to her side, she pulls the blankets up over her chest and absentmindedly traces her hand up and down Clementine's arm. She stares deep into her girlfriend's bright amber eyes and sighs with contentment, "did you still want to go paddle boarding this morning?" she asks as she stifles a yawn.

Clementine leans up on her arm and looks out at the sea from the window, "I would," she says, lowering herself back down onto the bed, "but, staying here with you also sounds nice."

Violet turns her head and grins at her girlfriend in agreement, "that also sounds like a good idea." The blonde bites her lip before speaking again, "last night was wonderful Clem," she says quietly as she turns to look at the ceiling, "I never knew intimacy could be like that."

The elephant in the room becomes more and more apparent and Clementine lets her eyes focus on Violet's soft features while she waits for her girlfriend to carry on speaking. "Minerva was cruel," is all Violet says as she forces a hard exhale.

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