Something Great

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For the first time in ages, we have a full day off. A full day to do what we want without having millions of people watching you. For the first time in a long time, we get to be five normal teenagers.
We're on our way to the local park, as we decided to go and play football this morning. We all pile into the car and Louis drives us to the park. I've noticed that no one has said anything about the song or my meltdown since it happened, which I'm thankful for, I couldn't deal with trying to explain it again.
It's Louis and Niall onto Liam, Zayn an I. Despite us having an extra player, Louis and Niall are beating us by a mile. Zayn soon gives up and goes and lays on the grass.
"Ok since Zayn's gone, we need to change the teams, Louis and Niall both play football. Harry and I won't have a chance!"
"Alright how bout me and Harry onto you and Louis?"
"Sounds good. Lets go, game on!"
Once Niall and I have gotten a fair distance away from Louis and Liam, Niall turns to me.
"Ok, so you're on Louis."
"No way!"
"Harry I'm giving you an opportunity here."
"What opportunity?"
"You can be close to Louis."
"Geez, I forgot you know about that."
"Harry... you know I'm ok with it, right?"
"How can you be?! I'm not ok with it and I can't even do anything about it!"
"Just trust me ok?"
We start the game everything goes fine we get a few goals and the others have scored too. But then out of no where Niall runs and dumps the contents of a water bottle on Liam's head.
Liam runs a grabs a water bottle of his own. Before to long, the four of us are running around the oval in a massive water fight. Louis' chasing after me after I threw water on his new shoes.
"Come here you little shit!" He yells in between laughter.
He catches up to me and grabs my waist, pulling me to the ground. We're in fits of laughter, lying on the grass. Once we've calmed down a bit, I turn my head to look at Louis, we're only laying about an arms length away from each other. But I notice that he's already facing me. He staring intently at me, with an almost confused look on his face. I start to get self conscious.
"I just never realised how pretty you're eyes are."
"Ummm...thanks?" I feel my heart pound in my chest.
"Sorry, I know that sounded really weird." He says blushing. Why has Louis got so nervous and quite? Oh my god, what if he's weirded out by us lying so close to each other, especially as he knows I'm gay now. I quickly move back a bit and roll into my back to stare at the sky. I notice that Louis hasn't done the same and is still facing my way. After a while, I noticed that he's filled in the space between us that I had made. He was actually closer then we were to begin with. I look to face him, we're so close that I can see the flecks of dark blue in his otherwise baby blue eyes. I can't help but look down at his pink lips, trying to hold back the urge to kiss them. Something that I've wanted to do for a really long time. I start to feel myself slowly closing the gap between us. But just at that moment, we hear Niall yelling for us way over on the other side of the oval. It was at that moment that I realised what I had almost done. I start panicking I look at Louis and he opens his mouth to say something but before he says anything, I take off running across the field, yelling-
"Last one back to the car!"
"Hey!!! You got a head start you little bastard!!!"
The rest of the day went fairly well, Louis didn't try and talk to me about the almost kiss in the park. I hope he'll just forget about it. I'm sure as hell trying to.
After everyone falls asleep after watching a movie, I head to my bedroom. I just am getting into bed, when I hear a knock on the door.
"Hey Harry, it's Liam. Can I come in?"
"Hey Liam, yeah sure."
He sits on the end of my bed.
"I was just on the oval-
Ohhhh crap.
"When Niall called you you about to kiss Louis?"

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