Part 2

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Lucy's pov

I start to walk up to Lahar and Doronbolt who are both still shocked at what Natsu had called me. When I get to them I say 'Let's go talk at my apartment, not here' all they do is nod and follow me. When we get to my apartment I see a bunch of council men there so I turn to Lahar and Doronbolt and ask what's going on. All they say is 'You are to watch over the Oracion Seis until the council says otherwise.' I just nod and say 'well if that's the case then I need to move' some call Virgo out to pack all my stuff and find a house for me and the others to live in. The house has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. After Virgo left I turn to the council men and ask if they're already here. To which my only answer was a nod. I walked into my apartment  to see them but when they saw me Angel run to me hugging me but when she did her nails had scratched some of my cuts making them bleed. I look and see that Cobra was the I only one to notice probably because of the smell. After I thought that Cobra pinned me to the wall and said 'Yeah your right I can smell it now care to tell me why?' I started to growl at him in a wolf like way while my eyes started to turn yellow. He just looks at me and grabs my side as hard as he can making me scream I then say 'Fine, I'll show you but the council men has to leave.' After they leave I take the spell off and look at Cobra 'there you happy? Now you see what I look like.' I hear Angel start to cry so I look at her and say 'You don't have to cry, it hurts less than you would think. Now can I put the spell back on because we need to go to the guild so I can get a job.' They look at me a little longer then let me go and Racer says 'Lead us to the guild then.' After that I put the spell back on and walk out towards the guild.

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