Chapter 1 : I won't disappoint you!

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Hi! So, my name is  Chelli Lona Aphra. Just call me Dr. Aphra. Not a long time ago, I got hire by the Sithlord named Darth Vader, on whom I accidentaly got a HUGE crush...and here, you'll see how it all started and all the thoughts i do NOT dare to express along our story!


''Bee-tee! Did you hear that ? Vader is on his way!'' I said running around and fixing my shirt.''Eep ! By the way, how's my hair triple-zero ?''

''Good as always, mistress Aphra!'' There is a knock on the door. 

(Already ? Well,this IS Darth Vader !As if he needs to knock!) I blush to myself. I press the panel next to the door to open it.

''I WANT MY MONEY!'' says the man holding a blaster to my head. He steps into the light and I can see his face.

''Um...The...A-Ante! I gave you your money !'' I blurted out. (Where the hell is he?) I take a few steps trying to spot my blaster in my peripheral vision.( It's too far away!) I take a few steps back as he goes on.

''No, you didn't! I want my paymenty here and now or there will be a blaster hole in your head!'' 

''Oh my ! How I'll miss you Mistress Aphra!'' says tripple-zero. I gulped. I continue to step back,until my back touches the wall.I am a goner. With my heart beating at the speed of light, I gather all my strength to answer.

''But I don't understand! I've already--'' SWOOOM

Lord Vader slashes him with his lightsaberin half. I still haven't moved a muscle and all I can do is gasp in awe. He returns his weapon to his belt and approaches me.

''Are you alright?'' (the concern in his voice...could it be ? I shake my head to dismiss it.)

Right at that moment he puts his strong arm around my waist,making me feel so small and helpless and he pulls me closer. My heart is beating so fast,I feel it's going to explode like Tibanna gas! The he takes off his helmet...he is more beautiful than I have ever dreamed of! His other hand goes on my cheek. Bring our faces closer, and just as we are about to kiss...

''Mistress Aphra ! Wake up!'' I hear triple-zero yelling. ''We have so much work to do after last night's meeting with Master Vader!''

''How could I forget...'' 

Vader's jumpscare made me fall off my seatand my back still hurts ! But still, what I told him was true. VERY TRUE. I DO want to work for him,but I screwed up. I deserved punishment for that and I want to earn his trust back. I comprimised both our missions. Plus, I want to see him again! Even if a part of me says I'm crazy and the other one screams like a little fangirl -that I am-.

''Not to interupt you during breakfarst,but you had told me to reming you to change Beetee's falty power cell,Mistress.''

''Thanks, triple-zero''

As I was working on Beetee, I remembered the day Lord Vader and I met.

''Welcome abord the Ark Angel, sir Darth Vader, big fan,HUGE.'' He had also said that he was impressed with my re-activated droids!

''How did you find me,anyway?'' He never answered that question, but I could tell. Still, I am curious. How much did he travel ? How many did he ask, torture or even kill to find me ? I guess I'll never know...but what I do know that he is powerful, with extraordinary powers I will never understand...Like he did with the codes.I was scred of him until I did the installation on triple-zero that chnaged foundamentaly the way I felt...

''Okay. Now give me a sec to get this installed...'' Beetee bleeped.''Whaa?'' (Did something go wrong because of my nervouness?)

''That goes there, Aphra.'' Vader said while taking my hand and putting it into the right direction.

Time stood still. All I could hear was my heart in the silence of the ship,along with Vader's steady labored breath. He was actually touching me! Holnding my hand, for that! I sheepishly break away.

''R-Right! How silly of me!'' (Now blushing furiously.Chelli, don't give yourself a heart attack!) And with my heart still racing I press the activation button.All went well. As for Beetee...he went a little aggressive on us. As soon as it happened though, Vader stood in front of me with his weapon on the ready to protect me...

I know it's just because he needs me.Like he had said earlier that day...

Along The Stars (Vadaphra ship - Vader X Dr. Aphra) Where stories live. Discover now