Chapter 2

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Isabella's P.O.V

It was after school and I didn't feel like doing any homework instead I went to go clean my car for tonight. I have two sets of cars. My racing car (car 1) and my original car (car 2). Yes I have two cars for two different things and the best part was is they both have tinted windows and both of my cars were manual. I got my keys and moved my racing car out of the garage and into the front lawn.

I sprayed it down and got soap for cars and applied it to my car. After the soap I washed it down and waxed it. I loved my cars so I put a lot of dedication and effort to cleaning them and making sure my tires are good and everything. I did the same thing with my original car and let them sit out in the sun to dry.

I turned off the water and went inside to change into my black clothes. I always wear black clothes to street and drag races. I got back outside and drove car 2 back into the garage and left car 1 outside. I looked at my watch and it was almost past 7. My phone ranged and I looked at the caller ID. It was Jen.

"What's up?" I asked over the phone.

"Did you hear!" She shouted.

"Hear what?" I said confused.

"Jax, Liam, and Eli are going to the race tonight" She said.

"When did they start going to races?" I asked.

"I don't know....I think their going because Jax wants to race." She said.

"Oh ok cool. I'll see you there." I said and hung up.

Jax wants to street race? Well that's new. Honestly I never felt that street racing was his thing after all he has made a reputation of a fuckboy.

I got into my racing car and drove off to Wishwood Elementary to pick up my little brother Lucas. Lucas was precious to me. He was my everything. He's so cute and adorable. He loves Batman, Superman, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and Spider-Man. He's such a marvel nerd but I don't blame him.

I drove up to the school and waited for him. I got out of my car and heard the bell ranged. I saw him running at me like a sweet kid he is and hugged my legs since he was pretty tiny and short after all he was only 5.

"How was school buddy?" I asked guiding him to the passenger door.

"It was fun. I made a new friend. Her name is Olivia." He said as I opened the door for him.

"She is nice?" I asked putting his seatbelt on him.

"She is. She's really nice." He said and adjusted himself to the seatbelt.

"That's good." I said and closed the door and went to the driver seat.

I started my car and the engine roared to life and Lucas turned on the radio to his favorite station which was 105.7. He loves that stations and ever since I was picking him up from school I had always let him choose the station he wanted. I drove off and went home.

"Are you racing again?" He asked me.

"I am." I said.

"Is it fun?" He asked.

"Yeah it is and very competitive." I said.

"I can't wait to hear that you won again." He smiled.

"Thank you buddy." I smiled back and got out of the car to open his door and unseat belt him. He grabbed his little backpack and gave me a hug.

"I believe that you will win." He said and gave me a fist bump.

"Of course I will buddy. I'll see you tonight before you go to bed as always." I said and closed the door and waited for the butler to come and take him inside.

He waved goodbye to me as I waved back to him and got into my car. I grabbed my helmet from the back seat and put it on. I put my car in drive and drove off to where the race was held.

After like 10 minutes I arrived and saw a lot of bright lights, heard loud music, a lot of people dancing and hanging out at their cars and everything.

I've always loved how the races were always like this. It gave me so much joy and happiness. I saw Jen with Jax and them. I wanted to say hi to her but I couldn't risk them knowing who I am like this plus I don't even talk to people before and after racing since I don't wanna risk my identity.

Anyways I saw her look at me and I'm pretty sure only like 50% sure that she gave me the what's up look or whatever it's called. I drove up to the starting line and waited for an opponent.

I heard an engine roar beside me and saw that it was some guy in a lime green Ferrari. Yes this race is where rich kids come and race their cars with others and make enemies and friends.

"Are you guys ready!" A heard the girl who was holding two red flags yell at us. We both stepped on the gas pedal which caused the roars and siganlli g that we were both ready.

She counted down from 3 to 1 and when she threw her arms down we instantly stepped on the gas pedal and went into the distance. I looked over at this guy and obviously he couldn't see me. My windows were still up but his weren't. He passed me and was smiling as if he thinks he was gonna win. I shifted my gears and stepped on my gas even harder and I reached up to him.

We both were head to head as we went through the whole course. When we were getting close to the finish line I shifted gears again and went off faster and I left him in the dust. I crossed the finish line and slowly made a circle and stopped like in those cars sences.

I heard lots of screaming and yelling and shouting and clapping. I got out of my car with my helmet on. I was wearing total black i even wore black tight gloves that fight my hands well.

I looked at everyone's faces through my helmet and realized that never knew my true identity but they only knew my identity on the streets.

I was the midnight racer.

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