Chapter Two

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(Face claim: for lil brother Mingrui of Boy story)

Youngji pulled into her driveway feeling even worse than she had at school. She hated being home. If it wasnt for her little brother Minhyuk she would have left a long time ago. She couldn't leave him to deal with their parents alone. Minhyuk was sitting outside waiting for her to arrive and ran to her car before she got out. He opened the passenger door and jumped in. She looked at him. He had a backpack with him. "Mom and Dad fight again? Need to go somewhere else for a while? " He nodded. He was really small for being 12 and because of all the fighting he didn't really like being home either. "Yeah they're fighting again. Over the stupidest things. I don't understand why. I just don't want to be home right now. I didn't even go inside after school because I could hear them." He set his backpack in the back and buckled up. "Got any food? I'm hungry." She laughed and had him grab a pack of oreos from the glove box. "Don't ruin your appetite though ok? I got paid yesterday, and to celebrate not murdering anyone at school, I'm taking us out. What sounds good? " He thought for a while. It took him a little bit to choose what he wanted but it was usually tteokbokki or bulgogi. She laughed. "Can't choose? How about we get both your favorites? " He lit up. "Tteokbokki and Bulgogi? Really? You'll buy both? We usually can only get one or the other. Are you sure? " He smiled so brightly. "Of course. I'm not feeding Mom and Dad too and I already paid them this month. My paycheck is my paycheck this time. So yes, well get both and maybe go do something else this time too ok? " He nodded and looked out the windshield. "Oh shi.. " He panicked. "Quick drive away. They're looking out the window and yelling. " She put the car in reverse and looked at the house. The door was starting to open and their parents were coming out. As quick as she could she pulled out if the driveway and sped off checking the mirror behind her to see them yelling after her.

Later at the Restaurant
Youngji had ordered their food and asked about how Minhyuks day at school went. He was excited to be starting school again because it meant getting away from home. "School went ok. It could have been worse. I got to sit next to Hyorin today. She's still as perfect as ever ya know. Even after three years she still hasn't really noticed me though." He kept rambling. "Oh hey guess what? I got into honors classes this year. I'm officially one if the smartest in the school. " Youngji smiled and high five her brother. "Way to go little brother I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it." She kept listening to him and smiled the whole time. "So how did your day go Youngji? Is everyone still scared of you? " She chuckled. Yep. Everyone is still scared of me. Well except for Da In of course. I pissed of my teacher today. You know that perverted excuse for a coach? I called him out on his crap today. And well.. Never mind it's not that important. " He laughed. "Oh come on. Now you have to tell me. What's not important? " She sighed. "Ok fine. You remember me telling you about that group of eight boys right? The really popular ones? " He nodded. "Well three if them are in my PE class. They seem to be trying to be friendly with me. Seonghwa and Yunho looked at me and smiled and Mingi came over and talked to me. What do you think? " The waitress brought out their food and they dug in, still talking in between bites. "Hmm, I think that maybe they like you. " She pointed her chopsticks at herself. "Me? No way. I do my best not to be liked. And you know how and why I do that. How could they possibly like me? " She shoved food in her mouth and Minhyuk responded. "Noona you're a pretty person. Even if you do look scary and most people are afraid of you. With your martial arts skills, a bully, even a normal person, wouldn't mess with you. People must think you are the bully. But as I was saying, you're very pretty and guys like pretty girls. Pretty guys too even. " She laughed and watched her brothers face brighten. "Ya know what Minhyukie, you will make some girl -" He interrupted. "Or guy" She chuckled. 'Or guy, a very happy person one day. " He smiled as he put a piece of Bulgogi in his mouth. A very goofy image of him with chopsticks hanging out of his mouth. She didn't know what to talk about anymore so she just finished eating. She waited until he was done to ask him a question. "So what do you want to do know? Anything in particular? " He shook his head. I really don't know. Maybe a walk in a park? It's only 7 and Mom and Dad don't leave for work until 8. It doesn't have to be long since it takes a little bit to get home. " She nodded. "Alright. We can do that. We don't have to go home right now. We can go sit by the Han river. That work? " He nodded so she payed and they got in the car to go.

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