Chapter One: Kidnap

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Authors note: i suggest that if you don't watch bleach, don't read this. I do not own bleach at all and all rights go to rightful owners. Enjoy ^-^

Ulquiorra POV: i walked down the long stretched halls of las noches. What could Aizen possibly want now? Thoughts flustered through my mind like buzzing bees. When i arrive at aizen's quarters he was laid back in his throne with that same unwelcoming smirk. He says gently "ulquiorra, thank you for coming so quickly." I did not loose the eye contact that was being made "you called me, it is my duty to come serve you whenever i am needed lord Aizen." He nods as if he was a bit annoyed of all the lengthy wording "alright ulquiorra, the reason i called you in here is because i have a certain task that needs to be for-filled. I believe your a good pick for the job." I bow "thank you for the gratitude lord, now what does this task consist of me doing exactly?" A full smile played on his lips "kidnap Oriheme inoue from the world of the living." My eyes widen, kidnap a worthless human? Whatever for? And a specific one...this will lead to something much further than i could ever imagine i can already tell. I sighed under my breath so he couldn't hear and stand on my feet "consider it done, my lord." He narrowed his eyes but his smile was still kept "good, i trust you Ulquiorra." I assumed this was my cue to leave, so i shove my hands in my deep pockets and make my way towards the door. I was then completely shocked when my whole body smacks into something hard and tall. I almost lost my footing until i gazed up to see Nnoritora towering over me. He chuckles "weak. You let yourself just slam into me? What are you stupid?" I dust my chest off, disgusted by the fact i made any contact what-so-ever with Nnoritora "No. I'm not. I was just lost in thought." He rose an eyebrow "eh? Why? Whats there to think about in a boring place like this?" I sighed "if it was to ever concern you i will inform you ahead of time, but for now, stop asking meaningless questions." He grits his teeth "tsk. Your such a damd pain, always in such a bad mood. Well step aside you little gothic-emo-what ever you are." He attempted to shove me but i stepped aside before he did. He rolls his eyes at my quick action, and walks into aizen's head quarters and shuts the door behind him. I continue my walk down the awfully long and completely straight path, trying to train my mind towards my mission and off of that stupid Nnoritora. I almost hate him as much as i hate grimmjow. I wait until i reach outside to open the path way to the world of the living. The sky seemed to rip open into a black abyss-like hole. As i stepped through i had no idea what i was about to get myself into.

Oriheme's POV: My alarm clock rung loudly as i groaned. I was never really a morning person. I got up and hurriedly got ready for school. As i was slowly brushing my hair and looking at my reflection, i wondered if Ichigo would notice my slight haircut. I got the split ends cut off and now my hair was a little shorter but not much. The thought of him made me blush but not as much as i thought i would. Sure i do have a crush on ichigo, but i mean, i think its fading little and little at a time. He's always with Rukia...he obviously likes her way more than me. But I'm okey with that, I've grown and I'm slowly moving on. I walk out of my house and i hear Toshiro snoring from my living room, it made me jump. I had forgotten that rangiku and him stayed here last night. I smiled, Toshiro will probably just bug Karin all day and rangiku will probably be at the bar getting drunk as always. They always do that when they stay here. I walk outside and started to walk to school. Soon i hear a voice yell "Oriheme!!! Wait for me!!!!" I quickly turn to feel a arm wrap around my shoulders, it was tatski. I smiled "hey, whats up?" She shrugs "nothing much..." a sneaky smile whips across her lips "you know...that dance is coming up in two weeks...the dance the student counsel put up. Say, how about you and ichigo finally get together and go to this together eh?" I glared at her as we walked "tatski get real. You know Ichigo doesn't like me, he likes rukia." She sighs "yeah i know. I still think you two would make a cute couple...but I've noticed you not really so clingy on him as usual...did something happen?" I shake my head slowly "no, just the fact that I'm kinda getting over him." Tatski rose her eyebrows "really? Oh... " she seemed shocked and there was a slight silence before she shrugs "thats good, that way you can move on to someone better." I pursed my lips and simply reply "yeah..." Thats when a sudden chill raced up my back, for some reason things felt off...i felt like usually i would sense a hollow or something by now...but i didn't. It was way too quiet and easy going...usually every morning there is at least something. Tatski looked at me "hey alright?" I nod slowly "yeah I'm okey..." i observed my surroundings, expecting anything. Tatski patted my head "yeah i think you need to stay home for seem a bit...paranoid." I widen my eyes "p-paranoid? Nah, i swear I'm not tatski why would you think that ah ha ha ha ha~" she furrowed her eyebrows "Oriheme, I'm telling you, you need to go home and have some rest. Your all pale and looking everywhere. Just please for today." I sigh "fine, but i know i am okey..." she smiles "thanks. Want me to stay with you?" I shake my head "no, you go on to school i guess." She skips ahead "alright, you have a good days' sleep! Bye Oriheme!" I wave with a fake smile and call out "bye tatski, you have a good day at school okey?" After she was gone i look at my feet, was this ichigo thing really bothering me this much? it can't. I've gotten as far as admiring that i may be moving on, i can't back down now. I need to pull through, try my best, to just get over him. Also...for some reason i don't think thats the only thing thats bugging me at the moment. All of the sudden i feel a strange spiritual pressure rising and rising at a scary rate. I turn and yell "who are you?! Where are you?! Your spiritual pressure is strong!" It sent me to my knees, it was too much pressure. I curl up and scream as everything, even the ground, shakes around me. All of it stops and i see a pair of white shoes in front of me. Once i look up to see who's wearing the shoes i see a oddly dressed man with long black hair and very pale skin. A streak of green strung from each eye and he had a bone like mask on the right of his scalp. His hands were in his pockets and he spoke like he was emotionless "are you...Oriheme inoue?" He asked in a soft low tone that made me shiver. I get to my feet and dust my skirt off while replying kindly "yes...why? I assume your the spiritual pressure that was really super high for a couple seconds...that means your not just a regular human. Are you a soul reaper perhaps?" He narrowed his eyes "No,You are farthest from the truth. I am an arrancar that lives and serves only for Aizen's needs. He sent me to come kidnap you, woman." My eyes widen...kidnap me?! Why would Aizen want me?! I grunt and place my fingers on my temples "shoten k-" he holds his hand up level to my face and sighs "attacking in anyway will be useless, i am in the fourth rank of the espada. The espada are the strongest out of all arrancar. Do you really think you have a chance against an espada who ranks fourth out of ten of them?" My bottom lip quivers as i lower my hands limp to my sides "no...i suppose not. That would be suicide." He lightly grabs my wrist. Not in a forceful manner, but a friendly one. He gazed into my eyes "i will not hurt you woman. Not unless i am ordered to by my master." I saw true sadness and meaningfulness in his eyes.Automatically i felt comforted for some reason...he lets my wrist go and mumbles softly "shall we go?" I shake my head "and what if i refuse?" He turns his back to me "then i would be forced to force you. You wouldn't want that, trust me. So just come along worthless human. Also, i would kill each one of your friends until you agreed." Now his voice was stern. This guy was one big mystery. Sadly i looked down at my feet "i accept..."

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