Way One

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Prompto had never been happier about Ignis choosing to sleep in a motel for the night. After camping for two weeks straight with nothing but hunts and quests, sleeping in a real bed was a luxury.

"Soft beds baby!" Prompto moaned as he flopped onto the one farthest from the door.

Prompto grinned and put his face in the covers, inhaling the flowery scent of the sheets. This was so much better than the musky smell of the tent.

Gladiolus settled down on the bed next to him. He gave Prompto with a weird look as he watched the Chocobo haired boy smell the covers.

"Don't get too comfortable," Gladiolus warned. "You have to share that bed with Noct."

He sounded slightly annoyed as he laid down on his side. Prompto knew that Gladiolus was also happy about staying in a motel for the night. He had been complaining about his back hurting during training for the past couple days. It was probably from the hard, rocky terrain that they had to sleep on every night. Not that the tent helped it too much.

Ignis would try his best to make sure that the tent was set up on a nice surface. No matter how hard the poor man tried, a rock would always pop up under the tent sometime in the night and make one of them jerk up as it poked their backs.

Prompto didn't mind sharing the bed with Noctis. They had always shared the bed when he slept over at the Citadel. It was the best feeling ever, feeling Noctis' warm body pressed against his. Prompto blushed when he thought of it. He didn't have any bad dreams when Noctis was around. He could tell that Noctis didn't mind it too.

The great thing about it was that Noctis and he were big cuddlers. So Ignis was pretty grateful that he had come along. Which made him feel like he had some importance being on this trip. Gladiolus was just glad that he didn't have to wake up in the morning with the prince on top of him.

Speaking of Noct, where is he?

"Hey Gladio, where's Noct?"

Gladiolus shrugged, "I don't know. I didn't see him come in the room with us."

Ignis came out of the bathroom, holding his glasses in one hand and a spray bottle in the other. "His Highness went up to the roof. He requested some privacy."

Prompto sat up, now frowning. "Is he okay?"

Noctis never really went off by himself unless he was upset. Prompto would always follow him to make sure that he was okay. He was never really good at comforting people. But with Noctis, it was something he could do without words. He would sit by him in silence until Noctis broke out and said something. Sometimes he would confide in him, and sometimes it would just be something awkwardly casual.

Prompto stood up to leave but Ignis held up a hand to stop him. "I'm sure that Noct would like some time to himself. You best leave him be."

Prompto opened his mouth to object but Gladiolus beat him to it. "Just let Noct have his time alone. He hasn't had time to himself since his father... " Gladiolus trailed off and cleared his throat. "He'll come down when he's ready."

Prompto sighed and sat back down on his and Noct's bed, pouting. He could see what they were saying. He could hardly get any time to be by himself on this trip. When there are two others, and a prince to protect, he had no choice but to stick with them.

Privacy wouldn't be such a bad thing about now if I wasn't worried out of my mind for Noct...

He decided to respect the raven's decision and laid back down on the bed. He couldn't stop the growing anxiety from making him take out his phone and text Noct.

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