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jessica woke up, feeling dried blood on her head. looking around at the rubble that fell, trapping her and gaster inside, she saw said skeleton with his lower half stuck under the rubble. "Gaster! are you hurt?" jessica asked. gaster tried to move, "no, but I'm stuck" gaster replied. jessica remembered that she had a teleporter on her, and suggested that they use it. "that's a teleporter... for one person" gaster replied. jessica, not wanting to abandon gaster, tried to use her gun to blast away the rubble, but the magic it demanded was too much for her soul, causing her to coughup blood. "jessica, just use the teleporter" gaster demanded. "no, I'm not leaving you" she replied. "jessica, i ... i forgive you" gaster said. but they both knew that was a lie. the rubble shifted a little, crushing gasters legs. despite how much hp gaster had, he started turning to dust. "just... just take my soul. i won't be of any use, even if i kept it, now" gaster said. jessica, seeing the dust, realized the gravity of the situation, and reluctantly grabbed onto the soul, absorbing it. a white upside down heart formed inside the center of her grey one. "give her hell for me" gaster said. jessica's left eye, hair highlight, and soul regained their deep blue colouring, while her right eye turned crimson red. jessica nodded, and activated the teleporter, which conveniently teleported her near the arena.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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