where all bad choices began

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I was sitting in the corner of my room tucked in all cozy into the corner of my dorm the I had turned into my personal reading nook. I sat perched atop the blankets I set out to sit on, Brick could really hurt your bum. I was reading. Well trying too, It was just so hard to concentrate. Just a few minutes ago everyone had been sent to their dorms early because of a giant. There was always something! Probably another slytherin boy prank . I clamped my book shut leaning my head back against the brick with a sigh. For a Ravenclaw I could be a little dense. My grades had dropped and I never found time to read because i2 was glued to my griffendor girlfriend or in class. My parents had sent me a howler one night saying they were dissapointed in my scores. I came from the most studious Ravenclaw family there was and I was letting my parents down. So I decided it was time to cut things short with my girlfriend.  But i was scared of breaking her heart and seeing her cry. I wouldnt be able to live with myself if I had hurt her. And like the smart little Ravenclaw I was what better way to break up with a girl then to write her a note and slide it into her room after hours. Pushing the large books out of my way I got up from my nook and took a seat at my grand mohagany desk and pulled out a beautiful piece of dark blue enchanted parchment paper with a beautiful bright gold border. I ran my fingers across its soft surface before laying it flat and retrieving my Quill and Ink. Dipping it in ever so slightly and scribbling my break up note on the parchment. It read:

Dear Denali:
Our days together have been nothing but wonderful and memorable. I look back on our time together and I cant help but smile. I will always appreciate what we have donetogether and it will be forever in my heart which I why I have to tell you....that we have to end this relationship. My grades are dropping expenentionally amd I cant find time for studies. I find it wise to spend some time apart. I'm really sorry but we cant do this anymore my parents will be furious if i continue loosing my grades. Its not you its me and I hope we can still be close.
Your just friend

I sat back in my chair putting my Quill and Ink away. I quickly examined the paper scanning for any errors before deciding it was flawless. I folded the paper into a graceful raven through on my cloak of invisibility and went off to roam the halls to deliver my note to Denali.

My very first chapter in the making
I'm not even really sure where this is hoing to go. Were on this roller coaster together. Let me know what you think of it!

First chapter is a little short but like i said a working progress!

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