When a Howler comes to your door

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Kai pov:
I was sneakimg thought the halls trying not to disturb the very real and alive paintings decorating the large solom halls. I tip toed around every corner darting my gaze left and right making sure MS Norris looking for escaped students in the halls at night.

I pushed forward every step with more caution before making it too the stairwell I looked above from the second floor. Ravenclaws were in second place of house points so we got second floor. Griffendors stood high and proud on the 4th floor. The very top. They were always in first place.

I watched at the stone stairwells scraped together in the silent corridor in the dark. Stone scraping against itself echoed throught the large stairwell. I stood at the second floor ledge contemplating my next choice. The stairwell to the slytherins on the 3rd floor came in 10 seconds and the larger staircase to the fourth floor came in 15.

I thought for a second on what path to choose. To be stealthy and go 3rd to fourth or be risky and take a path straight to 4th. I choose the larger staircase. The quicker I got there the quicker I could get back ti my dorm. I waited fir the 4th floor stairs before dashing up them quickly.

I slipped over to the girls dorm to Denalis room. I pulled the cloak off and yanked my wand out if it's hidden pocket in my boot. I breathed in deep before preforming the spell to turn the raven folded paper into a whisper for Denali. I breathed and waved my wand. As the raven fluttered to life a ring if red dust firmed around it. Red? Its supposed to be pink? Reds a howler? What i have done?

I threw my wand to the floor and went chasing after the flapping oragami raven reaching for it desperatly...but no luck. It soared right under Denalis bedroom door and I couldnt get it back. I picked up my cloak and ran off to my bedroom as quickly as i could. Not concerned with stealth anymore. Only with my horrible mistake.

Denali POV
My freinds and I were all sitting around in our room trying to "study" but instead we were all goofing off playing weird spells on each other and talking about classes and how much they sucked.

My best friend, Lara, was telling everyone about how Proffesor snape had actually pulled his wand out on her in class for using a level 3 spell in level 2 dueling class. He later gave her detention where he interrogated her for hours in the forbidden Forrest about where she had learned an upper level spell.
"Stupid proffeser snape" Lara chuckled.

"What makes him think id ever rat out the Weasly twins!"

A girl across the room groaned.

"There Lara goes again. Obsessing over the Twins" she commented.

I spoke up. "shes right Lara. You're medling with some touchy stuff. The weasly twins graduated last year. If they find out that they still come on campus they are gonna have to deal with the magic counsel. Plus you cant have both of them." Lara snapped up standing proudly

"yes i can if they both want me! The only reason they come on campus is to see me."
The girl in the other corner spoke up again.

"Oh please youre not that special to them. They sneak on campus to keep their buissness of shenanigans going. They got in trouble far to much to be taken seriously at a real job." She barked.

Lara face tightened "They can be taken seriously. They can be kind and sweet and very intelligent when they want to be!" She yelled voice getting louder.

The girl on the other side of the room stood up now and took three steps toward Lara "No they can't! All they do is goof off and joke around! Their inmature."

It was Laras turn to step closer. Eyes blazing with anger. "YOU DONT KNOW THEM LIKE I DO!" Lara screamed.

Now it was time to intervein. Me, Kat and Becca all got up to them standing in each other's faces. Becca and kat went to pry the other girl away and i grabbed Lara by the waist slinging her behind me. She struggled between my arms kicking and punching and throwing her head back into my lip but I wasnt gonna let go.

Blood fell from my lip and i think she broke my tooth but i couldnt let her go. Becca and kat pulled the girl to the other side of the room and sat her down on her bed already attempting to calm her down. Meanwhile Lara beneath me scremed like a 5 year old.

"Hush Lara we dont wanna alert Magoninigal!"
"She dirtied the Twins Name!" Lara screamed."

Her fits of passion turned from anger to sadness. The adrenaline caused her to start crying. Tears rolled down her scrunched face as her struggles to free herself got weaker. My face softened. She really cared for the twins, they were inportant to her. I pulled her in closer for a soft hug. Her struggling stopped and she let herself silently cry in my arms.

The other girl left the room To calm down so I let Lara go but she didn't move fron my chest. She stayed still weeping silently. I hugged her again and leaned towards her ear.

"Don't let anyone break you Lara. Youre a proud griffendor just like the Twins. You know them better then anyone else in this room. Take a deep breath."

Lara took my advice to heart. She stood up tall and breathed in. Wiping her tears with her scarf and turning around to face me looking like she hadnt been bothered in the first place.  Within minutes we had been back to goofing off without a care in the world.

Random girl sat there ignoring us silently doing her work when all of a sudden a blue oragami Raven fluttered gracefully under the door. Everyone paused eyeing this surprising raven. Lara being the closest to the door gets up off her chest and goes to retrieve the raven. She picks it up and studies it closely.

She gasped and comes running up to me with the raven.

"Look Denali. Its a letter from youre lover. My face immeadiatly felt warm and flushed.

"Give me it now!" I reached for it but Lara skipped away from me.

"its probably a love letter"  Lara teased. Kat came up and snatched it out of Laras hand just as i was about to reach for it.

"No way lesbins arnt so old fashioned like that. It's probably a kinky letter saying what she wants our fiesty lion over here to do to her." Kat rubbed her hands up and down her curves in a mockingly sexual manor.

"ooh" becca cut in " what kinda kinks do you think they have together Becca laughed

"Come on guys thats personal" Kat came in

" I Bet the dominant Lion here is into bondage. Pinning down her prey like the Lion dominant she is and going to town on her meal" kat mocked while pretending to grind into a girl on the floor.

"Just give me the letter guys." They obeyed and Kat tossed the ravem through the air. The raven landed gracefully on Denali's palm and came to life.

"Uh oh i think you got a howler"Kat said .

"lets hope youre not in trouble" Becca added.

The howler opened up and spoke very loudly:

Dear Denali:
Our days together have been nothing but wonderful and memorable. I look back on our time together and I cant help but smile. I will always appreciate what we have donetogether and it will be forever in my heart which I why I have to tell you....that we have to end this relationship. My grades are dropping expenentionally amd I cant find time for studies. I find it wise to spend some time apart. I'm really sorry but we cant do this anymore my parents will be furious if i continue loosing my grades. Its not you its me and I hope we can still be close.
Your just friend

The room went deadly silent. Everyones gaze turned to me. Fuck what I had told Lara earlier....sometimes gruffendors have to cry. I was broken.

Without another word. I climbed underneath the covers with the paper raven, and slept as good as i possibly could.

Yay new chapter! I made sure to make this one over 1k. I wnt a little farther then expected but at least it wasn't 500 words. I arote this chapter a little drunk so its a whirlwind. I hope you like it

Also. Tell me what you thing of Lara and Denalis friendship. I thought it would be a great addition to the story. More updates on an unknown date

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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