Post Work Dinner

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She took a sip of water, sighing with relief. They were finally done for the day and she was happy with the shots that they managed to get today. Ha Na started packing up her stuff when she heard someone walk towards her.

It was all five of them.

Her head immediately started playing the BGM from the F4 drama.

"We're heading off now and wanted to come say bye before we leave. Thank you for choosing us to be the ambassadors and I hope we get the chance to work together again," Hao Jie bowed slightly.

"Not a problem, you guys did great today. I'm confident the ad will turn out great, we'll reach out to your manager once we have a confirmed release date", Ha Na replied. She gestured for Jia Jia to come closer, "Before you go, do you think you could spare a minute to take some photos with my junior? She's a big fan."

"Of course, of course," Jia Wei strutted up to Jia Jia, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to guide her across the room. Jia Jia's face flushed like a tomato immediately.

Amused, Ha Na took out her phone to snap photos of the group. She showed the photos to them to make sure they were satisfied with the way it turned out. Jia Jia grabbed her phone and pushed her to the centre, "You should take one too, Ha Na."

The five of them started moving into their positions around her, making her feel like a midget. She felt Hao Jie rest his hand ever so lightly on her shoulder while they posed for the photo. Flustered, she did her best to smile naturally before scurrying quickly to grab her phone back from Jia Jia. 'What the hell is wrong with you, it's not like you to swoon at celebrities no matter how hot they are,' she scolded herself mentally.

Nothing escaped Xiao Bao's sharp eyes and busybody personality. He walked towards her, asking, "We're going to a hotpot place down the road before we go to our next shoot. Would you both like to join us?"

Everyone turned to look at him in surprise. They never really invited anyone to have a meal together other than their own staff. The only other exception was if they were familiar with the directors or producing team from being on the same show for a while. It was unusual to invite the company representative for a one-time commercial shoot. Even if it was for prospective business, those were usually done between the executives.

When she had been assisting Ting-jie, they had always gone their separate ways after the end of the shoot. She felt Jia Jia tugging on her blouse and saw those puppy dog eyes aimed at her. Rubbing her temples lightly, she wondered, 'Would it be more unprofessional to reject the offer or to accept it...'

Sensing her hesitation, Xiao Bao swooped in immediately. "Don't worry, we go to this place a lot whenever we have any work in this area. They always let us in from the back straight to a private room. Everyone here needs to eat and you both look about our age, just take it as a casual meal with new friends. I can guarantee that the food is amazing and it would be rude for us not to share good things with our loyal fan," he persuaded, flashing a quick wink to Jia Jia.

Sighing in defeat, Ha Na reluctantly agreed. It would be rude to reject his invitation after he said all that. "We'll finish packing up and meet you there. Please feel free to order without us, neither of us have any particular dietary requirements or food preferences," she said.

He flashed her his signature grin and started walking out with the rest of the group.

Once they were safely in the privacy of their van, Su Yang raised his eyebrow at Xiao Bao. "What are you up to now? Don't tell me you have a crush on the company representative."

Shaking his head vehemently, he denied it straight out. "No, no, no. It's just that she looked like she hadn't eaten all day so I was just being a gentleman. Plus Jia Jia was so helpful today and she kept bringing us stuff to eat. It's not like they're stuffy old men, what's wrong with eating with them?"

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