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Peter POV
"Shit! Shit shit shit!!! I'm gonna be late for my class!!" I yell, looking at my alarm clock that obviously didn't got off. I look across the room to the other bed where my roommate is sound asleep. His name is Wade, Wade Wilson and he's really cute, though a lot of people think he looks like a monster because of his skin lesions. I happen not to care, it's not the looks that matter to me, though I find his eyes and smile are breathtaking. Him. His personality is what I love the most. He's always acting cocky, and he's ALWAYS joking, and it's so damn funny how he can just annoy and tease the shit out of me to the point where I can't function if I don't have him with me. I snap out of my daydream and smile, I grab my pillow and chuck it as hard as I can at Wade. A grunt fills the room, "Hey 10 more minutes mom?" He says sleepily but I can here the joking tone in his voice, "Oh I'm sorry sweetie, but your gonna be late for school, now come on and get dressed." I say cooing. He chuckles, slides out of his bed, and stands up. He walks over to me and grabs my hand. My breath shortens and my heart flutters, and for a moment I'm scared to move. "Ya knowwww, I love it when you call me sweetie." Wade says looking me in the eyes. I snap out of my daze and muster up enough courage to finally speak, "Be a good little boy and get ready for school ok sweetie?" I say still playing along. Wade takes my chin and makes me look at him, "Ok mom, I will." He says planting a kiss on my forehead before walking to the bathroom to get ready for class. I feel the redness of my cheeks start to lessen now that he's gone. I touch the spot we're Wade's lips once were, and I smile to myself and continue to get dressed. When we were both ready, we head out of the door together with Wade taking my hand, lacing his finger with mine. I didn't mind it, it wasn't a secret around here that Wade was pan and I was Bi, that's actually how we became friends. In high school, we were both treated as outcast. We bonded through our love for Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, RuPaul, and of course the fact that we both were hella NOT straight. In school, I was the stereotypical nerd boy, I was always studying, never went out, ever, I always made good grades in school, I was good at track, but sucked at everything else, and I didn't have many friends. Wade was the opposite, he was the cool, badass, mysterious boy. He never talked to anyone but me, he was phenomenal at sports, he actually won a trophy for our school's football team, he wasn't very good at school, even though I could tell he was smart, and he loved partying. I definitely remember that because he was always trying to get me to go. It was always fun having him around because when the bully's would call us faggots we'd blow them a kiss, or kiss each other on the cheek just to piss them off. That's why I was really excited when I found out we were roomies. Well that and I've had a massive crush on him since high school, of course I've never told him, and I never will. Someone as awesome and badass as Wade could never date a nerd like me. We reach our class, as the first class of the day is the only one we have together, and walk in, sitting next to each other in the back of the classroom. The seminar starts and I already see Wade drifting to sleep, I tap his arm signaling to wake up, he jolts up before sinking bad in his seat and groaning. I smile and turn back too the lesson.
45 minutes passes
It's 45 minutes into the lesson and now I'm starting to feel my eyes flutter with drowse, I feel myself about to succumb to it when something flies past my eyes. I startle looking at my desk, it's a note, I look at Wade and all he does is wink. I open it and in the cutest, girliest hand writing ever it reads, "Hey sleepyhead, ik are schedules are different so meet me back in our dorm at 3~ xoxo, Wade." I smile at the note, turn and give him a nod.
Hours later
I finish up my last class and start heading towards our dorm. I wonder what Wade could possibly have planned for me, maybe he's covered our room in silly string....again, or maybe he glued all my stuff down...again, I say to myself, thinking of the endless pranks Wade has played on me over the years. When I make it to our dorm I open the door to see a note hanging from the wall. "Hey Petes!! So I have a surprise for you but you have to promise we'll still be friends after ok? Anyway your first clue is the place where I first caught your eye. Have fun xoxo~Wade." I smile at the note, oh boy a scavenger hunt, I roll my eyes, grab my keys, and head out to the first place we ever met, which would be Midtown High School.
I get in my car and drive to the school that is only 10 minutes away from the college campus. When I arrive I already notice a piece of paper on the flag pole in the front of the school. I get out of my car and walk over to the note. "Yay!! You found me...well not me exactly but you found the first clue!! Ok now head over the place where we first held hands. Xoxo~Wade." I smile and fold the piece of paper, placing it in my pocket. I get back in my car and head over to Smoothie Shack, the place were Wade took me the week we first met and the place where we first held hands. Ya know it really surprises me that Wade even remembers all these places, I mean because he's always been short-minded, always forgetting where his books and clothes are, he even forgot about graduation day. So it's nice to see he remembers something for a change. My thoughts are broken when I arrive to the Smoothie Shack, I don't see anything outside so it must be inside. I open the door where I'm greeted by an old familiar face. "Hey Peter! How are you?" Mable asks. Mable has been working here since our freshman year in high school, we stop by from time to time to say hi, and to grab a delicious smoothie! "Hey Mable! I'm well! How about you?" I ask returning the question. "I'm great Peter! Anyway wade dropped this note off, told me to give it to you." Mable says handing me the note. "Thanks Mable! Talk to you soon!" I say walking out of Smoothie Shack. "Hey you! looks like you found me again good for you!! I would buy you a smoothie but I'm not there, maybe next time? Anyway your next clue is where we battled together hand in hand! Xoxo~Wade." I think for a moment trying to remember all these places we've been together before it dawns on me what he's talking about. "The Arcade!!" I say not realizing I said it out loud until I get some weird glances.
I hope into my car and head down the block to the place we're Wade and I played Gladiators. It doesn't take me long to reach, as it's only two blocks away from the Smoothie Shack. I pull into the parking lot, park my car, and walk inside. "Hey Peter!" Steve calls from behind the counter. Wade and I have know Steve since high school and he also goes to our college. Steve has a boyfriend named Tony, both of them were two years ahead of us, and once again we all bonded because we were all hella NOT straight. However there's one thing that I know that Wade doesn't . Tony is Ironman and Steve is Captain America, which makes me..well ya know. Spider-Man. "Hey Steve! What's up?" I say hugging him from in front of the counter. "Oh nothing much just working to make a little extra money, how about you Peter." Steve asks. "Currently on a scavenger hunt that Wade sent me on." I reply. "Oh?" Steve says raising an eyebrow, oh no I know that look. "For the last time Steve there is NOTHING between Wade and I." I say wanting that smug look to disappear from Steve's face. "Mhm honey if I believed that I would believe pigs could fly..which I don't." He says mockingly. I sigh and walk over to the Gladiator machine and sure enough on the side is a note from Wade. "Yay! You found me yet again! Now don't worry it's almost over, just two more left! Now your next clue is located where our dreams came true. Xoxo~Wade" I smile automatically knowing where to go, the lucky fountain in the middle of the park. The fountain is where Wade and I made a wish to go to the same college and have the same dorm room together, and as luck would have it, we did! I pocket the fourth note, say my goodbyes to Steve, and making my way to the park. Anxiousness builds up in the pit of my chest, knowing there is only one other clue after the one in the park. I start searching my brain thinking of all the possible surprises Wade could be planing.
I snap from my daze and make my way to the fountain and find the note at the very top, feeling to lazy to climb I wait until I know all eyes are off of me and use my webs to grab the note. "You found me again Petes!! Your so close just one last clue after this! Are you excited to see your surprise?! Because I am! On your second to last destination head to the place where we get Uncle Ben's flowers from. Xoxo~Wade" I smile and make my way to the Perfect Petals flower shop. This is the place where Wade and I go every month to get flowers to place on Uncle Ben's grave. When I get there I walk inside waving to our good friend Lillian who always lets us have our flowers free since she was a close friend of Uncle Ben. Lillian motions to a note that is attached to some roses and smiles. She then turns back and tends to her dandelions. I walk over a pick up the note, "Your last clue before your big surprise!! I'm sooo excited!! Also the roses are for you, I bought them because I know they're your favorite. Hope you like!!! Your last clue is the place we shared our deepest secrets, and looked to the stars wishing for the sky to carry us away. Xoxo~Wade." I pick up the roses and smell them, their sweet aroma makes my nostrils dance. I give Lillian a goodbye wave, smile, then I exit her shop. I get in my car and head to the apartment Aunt May and I use to live in. Wade and I use to go to the roof and star gaze, share secrets, and wish to be carried away. It was right after Uncle Ben had died and I felt so alone and could've given anything to carried away from there. Wade was always there for me though, and always shared my grief. He's the reason why I stayed in high school and why made it to college.
I smile thinking of the memories fondly.
I pull up to the building, leaving the flowers in the car and head to the top, becoming more and more excited with every step I take. When I make it to the top there are lights and rose petals everywhere and a tall black sheet. I step onto the roof, shutting the building door behind me. There's a note on a table surrounded by rose petals in the shape of a heart with red and white candles. I pick the note and read, "Well now that you've come to the end your hunt, your surprise is behind the sheet but before that I just wanted to say Happy Friendiversary!!! It was 5 years ago today, August 25, when we met on the first day of highschool and we've been stuck together since. I've wanted to ask you this since the very first days I laid eyes on you but I was always too I feel that I'm ready, and what happened this morning only made me want to do this more! Because I want you to call me sweetie every single day for as long as I live! And now that I'm 20 and your 19 I think it's about time, but I also wanted to be 100% honest with you because I've been lying and keeping a secret from you since I met you and I'm tired of that. So today I finally show you the real me and I REALLY hope you don't hate me for it because it'll ruin the OTHER surprise. Anyway, just pull the sheet when your ready for you and your destiny to meet. Xoxo~Wade" I blush reading the note, I never knew Wade felt this way, though I'm also filled with a twinge of curiosity. I walk over to the sheet and give it a big pull. It falls down revealing Wade holding up a sign reading "Will you take my hand and be my Boyfriend?" But he's also wearing...a Deadpool costume? "Hey Peter! Um..uh...well. *sigh* this is what I wanted to ask you, but I wanted to let you know who I was before you said yes. I'm...I'm Deadpool, and yes I use to murder a lot of people, and yes I was a mercenary, but now I work for the Avengers and I'm a good guy now!! At least I want to be for you..." He say trailing off. I stare a moment utterly dumbfounded by what's happening but after a while I'm finally able to speak, and all I can say is one thing. "Wade I'm Spider-Man!" I blurt out, wishing so hard to take my words back after I said them. He just looks at me and smirks, "Looks like we both had secrets huh? But I suspected as much." He says calmly. "Wait what? What do you mean 'suspected'?" I ask. "Well for starters we both work for the same people so and when we've worked together I kinda guessed it was you because I mean come on no one has a bubble butt like yours. Plus! The whole leaving out of no where and the coming back with scratches and bruises I kinda figured out either you were Spider-Man or had one hell of a sex partner." Wade says smirking at the end. I roll my eyes and punch him in the shoulder. "Ouch! Hey I wouldn't be mad if you did have a sex partner, that way you can practice for the final boss." Wade says grabbing his bulge. I blush and punch him again, this time harder, "I wouldn't keep doing that Petey, it's one of my turn ons." Wade says winking. I give up on punching him and just roll my eyes in half hearted disapproval and defeat. "Anyway Peter, now that you know the truth, will you still take my hand?" Wade asks, his tone becoming more nervous. I walk over to him with a smirk and take the sign out of his hands. I take his arms and wrap them around me. I pull up his mask, exposing his lips, placing my hand on his face and pressing his lips against mine. The kiss is light, soft and, sweet. I pull away noticing the red tint in wades lower checks. "Not gonna lie, I've been waiting since I was a freshman for you to say those words to me Wade. You being Deadpool doesn't change a thing." I say smiling. Wade laughs happily and picks me up, twirling me around like a princess. When he puts me down he takes off his mask and picks up the sheet laying it like a blanket on the floor. He then picks up a little straw basket I didn't notice until now. "So how about a little picnic, stargazing, and talking like old times, except this time your my boyfriend! whatdoyasay?" Wade asks, holding his hand out to me. I smile and take his hand, "I wouldn't want it any other way!"
Wade and I spent the rest of the night on the roof, eating sandwiches and drinking a lovely wine Wade purchased. We laughed and kissed and held hands, remembering the wonderful past. Then we fell asleep, on the sheet, snuggled together under the stars. Hand in hand. Boyfriends.

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