Its Hero Time

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•Quick note Y= Yellow and is the murderous/ crazy voice in Wades head. It's his murderous impulse and his trauma. It can even ne his rage.
W= White is the logic and reasoning, white represents the writer or even Wades normal side and thoughts.•

Wade POV
I wake up to the warm sun hitting the scared heap that is my face. I look down and see my beautiful brown-haired Petey sound asleep in my arms. I smile and place a soft kiss on his smooth cheek. BEEEP! the sound startles me, and I jump waking Peter up. He rubs his eyes and looks at me with a smile. I feel my cheeks warm up and I grab his hand bringing it to my lips, planting a small gentle kiss on his knuckles. He smiles and I see his face turn scarlet.
[W] He's so cute
[Y] Yeah....too bad! We should kill him!!
[DP] Can you guys shut up!
My thoughts break and I look down at my communication watch and so does Peter. We share a simultaneous sigh, looks like we're both needed. I click my watch and Tony's Hologram appears in front of us, "Wade, we need you to- wait Peter is that you?" Tony asks bewildered. "Um yeah hey Tony...I didn't know you knew Wade." Peter says blushing and pulling he's sleeves down to cover his hands.
[W] Aww he's cute when he's nervous
[Y] Cute enough to kill
I roll my eyes in response to my boxes and refocus my attention back to the conversation. "I've know Wade since Freshman year. Wade have you told him?" Tony asks questionably. "Yeppity yep yep my little babyboy here knows all about my little secret, and I know his!!" I say with a grin on my face. "Baby boy? Wait is there something I don't know?" Tony asks razing his eyebrows at my statement. I look over to Peter and see him hiding his ruby red face in his sleeves. "Yep! me and blush boy over there are dating!! Official since last night!" I say loudly, beaming with excitement at the end. I hear a loud noice and then, "AHHHH Steve, baby, guess what!!! Peter and Wade are dating!!" Tony screams to his boyfriend. I hear Steve run over and then they collectively lose their shit together. "I knew it!! I knew you guys were perfect for each other!!" Steve yells over the communication hologram. "Yeah yeah, anyway why do you need us?" Peter says, the red on his face turning deep crimson. "Oh right! Red Skull, King Pin, and Dr. Octavius are up to something, where not sure what it is yet but we need to put an end to it. You and Wade need to go deal with King Pin, Steve and I will deal with Dr. Octavius, and Hulk and they rest of the Avengers will deal with Red Skull. Got it?" Tony states making sure we got the message. We both give a collective nod and the transmission ends. I look over to Peter who's cheeks are starting to return to their nature color, I smile and grab my mask. Peter presses a button and his clothes fly off of him, revealing his suit and his bubble butt. "Damn, do you have another button that takes off the suit to?" I ask my eyes floating towards his bulge. "As a matter a fact I do, but it's only a prototype. And eyes up here Wade!" He snaps. I smirk, "Well if it's a prototype....wanna give it a test?" I save walking towards Peter. Peter begins to back up, "Wade we have to get going there's no time for games." He says still stepping back. I can hear his voice getting shaky and his face returning to is red aura.
"Oh Babyboy, you'll come to learn that there is always time to play games." I say winking, taking two steps forward this time. "Wade st-" Peter is cut off by his back hitting the door of the building. I walk up and slam my hands on the door behind him, making Peter jolt. I bend my head down so his ear meets my voice. "Don't worry Peter we'll test it later." I say in a deep whisper. I can feel his body radiate with heat and his breath turn heavy. I just smile, kiss him on the cheek, and back away. I walk over to the duffle bag and take out my katanas and guns, placing them in there respectable holsters. I turn around to see Peter still against the door. I just laugh to my self, "Hey babyboy if you could be so kind as to give me a ride, I'd hate to walk when I can just use you." I say. Peter finally snaps out of his daze and walks over grabbing me by my waist, giving me a kiss first, then shooting his webs at a high building. Before moving he looks at me, "We'll definitely have to test out my prototype one day." He says leaping off the building, and gliding through the air. I smile to myself thinking about Peter in his boxers, I mean I've seen it before, hell I'd even seen him naked, but this time it's different, this time he's my boyfriend and I'm his.
*20 Minutes Later*
Wade and I make it to King Pin's building and find it surrounded by NYPD helicopters.
[W] Ugh police always have to make things difficult.
[Y] We could just kill them all!!!
[DP] "Can you shut the FUCK up!!"
"Wow rude much!" Peter snarls. "Oh no Peter I was talking voices in my...head." I say getting quieter towards the end. Peter pauses for a second and just looks at me, a look that makes me want to shrivel up into a ball and die. "What are they saying?" He asks calmly. I look at him and raise my eyebrows, I definitely did not expect him to be calm about this, in fact I kind expected him to be weirded out by it, maybe even be scared of me a little. "Well there are two....kinda. Yellow, who basically tells me to kill anyone and everyone I see. White who is nice, and is more me, and fights with Yellow. Constantly. They are mad that there are so many police and Yellow wants me to get rid of them...permanently." I say, hesitantly. "Well tell Yellow to fuck off, we don't kill police." Peter says, nonchalantly
[Y] I'll kill you! You fucking prick!!
[WB] Yellow shut the fuck up and leave Wade and Peter alone, before I kill you myself!
I say taking my pistol and holding it to my head. "Wade!! Stop what the fuck are you doing!!" Peter says grabbing the pistol out of my hand. "Oh sorry to scare you Petey but I can't die, like ever. Every time I kill myself or someone kills me, I'll inevitably come back given enough time. So usually when the voice start arguing and won't shut up I usually just shoot myself so they shut up." I say trying to make that sound as normal as possible. "Well no shooting yourself! I need you right now so I'll make them go away." Peter says handing me my gun back." And how exactly are you gonna make them-" I'm cut off by Peter lifting my mask and kissing me on the lips. I pull him close and kiss him back, melting in his love. He pulls away and I just smile, "That definitely worked! Wanna do it again?" I say in a sexy tone. He punches me and grabs my waist again, shooting his webs at the building and leaping to the sky. We land on top of the King Pin building and walk over to the vent, I shoot it open and we make are way inside.
When we finally make our way through the vent system, and to King Pin's office, his door is closed and his lights are off, which is....very suspicious. I place a small bomb and bust the door open. When we walk in everything is very very eerily quiet. Peter and I exchange questioning looks and continue to look through the office. Peter notices a computer and walks over took it. I can see the cogs in his head turn as he examines the contents of the computer. "Wa- Deadpool....this is REALLY bad!" Peter says worryingly. I walk over and examine the computer for myself. My eyes go wide and I look at Peter feeling unhinged. "Pe- Spider-Man they- they're planning to poison all of New York, killing the entire New York population!!!" I exclaim. "But why?" I ask. "I don't know Deadpool, but we need to find out." Spider-Man says. I immediately take out my thumb drive and stick it into the computer, downloading all the contents and files into the drive. The computer beeps and a message pops ups. I tilt my head not really understanding what the message means. I turn to Peter and give him a look. "What?" He reply's.
"Well what does that mean?" I ask over-exaggerating my arms. "You don't know what a firewall is?" He asks, and I can tell he's smiling under his mask. "Yes I do!!! I just um—why don't you handle it for me, so I don't make you feel bad for making you look dumb." I say as cool as I possibly can. Peter just smiles and begins to do something on the computer.
"Um what are you doing?" I ask nervously.
"I thought you said you new how to fix these? I'm hacking the system to bypass the firewall." He says chuckling to himself. I blush and continue to watch my babyboy work.
[W] ugh he's so damn hot when he's being smart!!
[Y] Yeah But he's not smart enough to get out of death!! He'll never be able to outsmart me!!
[DB] "Can you shut up please!! Gosh I can't go thirty minutes without you two shitting in my head!!"
I must have been talking out loud because Peter walks over and grabs my hand, placing a kiss on my forehead. I smile and my voices begin to dissipate. Peter walks back over, finishing his job and the rest of the data downloads to the drive without hassle. I take the drive and place it back in my little pocket, and we continue to look for King Pin. Just as we were exiting the office the whole office is put into what appears to be a lockdown. The door and windows get covered with steal and the whole room goes black. I grab for Peter and find my way towards his hand. A couple seconds later the lights turn on and King Pin is in the office front and center. "Well well Well, if isn't Spider-boy and his idiot, what brings you hear on this fine afternoon. "We know your plans Pin, so you can do this the hard way or the easy way." Peter says in an aggressive deep tone. God damn he's sexy.
"Well, where's the fun in doing things easy?" Pin rhetorically asks, pressing a button on his watch. The pillars in his office turn into heavy duty machine guns and begin to fire. Peter reacts quickly and so to I. I take his hand and shoot him upwards toward the wall, and then fling myself in a corner. Peter sticks to the wall and begins to using his webs to jam the guns. While Peter is doing that I focus my attention on King Pin. I sprint towards him, taking my katanas from their holders. I swing and the sword ricochets off of Pin's gold knuckles. I'm able to get one slash in, slicing a long thin cut into his arm. He retaliates by knocking me square in the face. I falter, and my vision blurs. Pin then kicks me to the ground and my head hits the ground with a loud crack.
"Any last words Deadpool?" Pin ask taking a gun from his pocket. I can see Peter in my vision trying to reach me. I just shake my head putting him at ease and he goes back to jamming the guns. I look at Pin and smile, "You know I should be asking you the same question." I say slowly reaching for my gun. "What are you talki-" before Pin can finish I take my pistol and shoot him right in the chest. He screams and falls to the ground. I slowly stand up and look at him. I bend down, pressing the nose of the gun to his head.
"Oh and by the way his name is Spider-Man!"
I say pulling the trigger, loading a bullet into his skull. His head explodes, leaving blood everywhere. I simply stand and place my gun back it's home. I look over to Peter who just finish jamming the last gun. He jumps down and looks at Pin, "Well looks like you handled that perfectly." He says smiling through his mask. "Wait your not mad I killed him?" I ask puzzled. "Wade I stopped living by the 'no kill' rule when I joined the Avengers." Peter says calmly. I smile and pick him up, twirling him around and placing a kiss on his forehead.
We then turn and make our way out of his building.
*1 Hour Later*
After Peter and I finished our mission, we regrouped with the other Avengers and gave them the drive. We filled them in on Skull, Octavius, and Pin's plans. We all decided that we'd have to find away to find out how they were planning to poison everyone, and put a stop to it. Tony and Steve told everyone that they'd look over the drive and the preceded to tell everyone about Peter and I. Everyone was super excited about us and they all shared a huge congratulations. After the meeting we left and Peter took me back to their old apartment building so we could clean up all our stuff and head back home.
*2 hour later*
After cleaning up all our stuff and changing, Peter and I head back to our dorm in his car.
When we get there, I open our room and we both collectively fall on our beds from exhaustion. "Hey I'm gonna get a shower." Peter says walking into the bathroom. I just change into PJ's, saving my shower for in the morning, when I'm not super tired.
Peter comes out thirty minutes later in his PJ's and lies on his bed. I walk over and pick him up, bridal style and place him on my bed, since it's bigger. I snuggle into him and begin to fall asleep. "Wade, I have my own bed." He protests. "Sh sh, sleepy time." I say with my eyes closed pulling the covers on top of us. "Ugh fine." Peter says finally getting comfortable in my arms. We fall asleep together, my fingers tangled in his damp hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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