ll Chaper 1 ll The New Kid

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   It was a beautiful fall morning, the first day of Senior year. Tom was at his locker, putting all his supplies inside of it, along with his bag, fills with things that are unspeakable. When he finish putting all this things in his locker, he closed it and pulls out his phone, it still buzzing with texts from "❤️Babe❤️", otherwise known as Edd. Ever since Tom and Edd started dating, Edd always clung to Tom whenever he could. He would tell Tom what to do like eat the same food he was eating, pulling him away from all his friends, and wearing the same color or clothes that Edd himself was wearing, etc and Tom hated that.

He turns off his phone and put it back in his pocket switching it for his schedule. History was his first period with Mr Banks, room 907. Tom knew the school and were each classes were, so finding the classroom wasn't that hard.

When he got there, not many people were there.

The people that were there were talking to there friends, listening to music, talking about cute guys, and gossiping. Tom sighed and went to a random seat in the back by the window. He put in his headphones, and listened to music, leaning up against the wall, shutting his eyes peacefully.

He was awoken by the teacher yelling at him, and he groaned. He looked at the desk that the teacher was at, and saw a small, ginger horn haired male standing at the front of the class. 'New kid..?' Tom thought, glancing curiously at him.

That horn haired male had a blind stick, signaling his was blind. Some people snickered but he reacted quickly and pointed his stick at some one who was laughing in the front of the class.

"I may be blind, but I can beat all of your asses," his thick Norwegian accent showing through. Tom, however, was taken aback like this. The rest of the children stopped, but the person that the Norway kid was pointing at stood up and continued threatening tord.

"Well, If your so tough, why not come at me."

The teacher pulled them apart, "no fights in my classroom today!" Her strong British accent coming threw.

The student obliged and the devil horned male put his stick down.

"Introduce yourself please," the teacher continued on, pretending like nothing happened.

"I'm Tord," he had said loudly, putting his arms behind his back like a army chief would. "I expect all you little rats to leave me alone unless I come up to you."

"I am blind, as you saw earlier," he brought his arms out from behind his back, "and that's all you really need to know."

Tord had a strict face on, his Norwegian accent getting stuck in Tom's mind. Tom just looked back at the window, and continued listening to his music. The teacher yelled at him again, "Tom, take of your headphones!"

Tom held up his middle finger and yelled, "Fuck you!!"

Long story short, Tom was sent to detention.

A whire later, Tom had broken out of detention, running into the small Norway boy. He had pushed Tom off and continued walking. He stopped and sighed, "you, boy.." he said, "do you know where Math class is?"

"Um, y-yes? " Tom replied, taking out one of his headphones.

"Show me the way.." Tord had asked, looking away, blush dusting his cheeks because of embarrassment.

"Okay?" Tom replied, taking the smaller hand and pretty much dragged him to math class. The shorter didn't seem to bothered, though. Even though he did complain about Tom holding his hand.

As soon as Tom had dropped him off, he heads inside too, knowing this was his class.
The professor glared at Tom, and Tom glared back, causing the professor to look back at the class.

Tom joined the class, and sat by the window again, listening to music.

He was bored out of his mind, knowing everything that the professor was teaching. He leaned against his desk, the Norway kid seating in next to him. Tord hit him with his stick on the ankle, co using the taller to look over. "Hey kid,"

"Who ya calling kid?!" Tom whisper yelled toward the smaller.

"Who else, dumbfuck?"

Tom groaned, "What? "

"What's your name?"

"Tom," he replied, "why?"

"We're you the one who yelled at the teacher and got sent to detention?" The Norwegian asked wuietly.


"You got some spunk, kid." He replied, smirking at his dominance. "You wanna be my friend?"

"Sure. Does that mean I can give you a nickname?"

"Fine.... if only I can give you one."

Tom groaned quietly, no one caring that they were talking.

"Fine... Commie~"  Tom replied.

"You're a dick, Jehovah."

"What kind of nickname I that?"

"What kind of nickname is commie?" The Norwegian came back with, causing Tom to laugh slightly, still not catching the professors attention. They continued to chat throughout the rest of the class, then the bell rang. "Fuck home..." the Norwegian mumble under his breath.

Edd came and tackled Tom,  "Babe!" he basically yelled, grinning. "The fuck you want?"

"Your so mean.." Eds said, pouting at Tom. "You wanna go on a date?"

"I don't have time right now..." Tom lied. He was fucking tired of Edd,  every time he saw his face he kinda wanted to vomit.

"You can't make time for your boyfriend?" Edd replied, his puppy dog eyes, "Yes! " Tom replied, obviously annoyed, but Edd was too in love to even notice it.

The New Kid looked around, then turned towards Edd, knocking on his head. "Is it hollow or something?" He asked Tom, which he replied with a laugh.

Eds glared at the smaller, even thoguh he was smaller then Tord. "Who are you? Babe, who is this?"

Tom groaned, "Hes my friend.."

"U-huh, surreee..." Eds replied, then stormed out. "Fucking kill me..." Tom said.

"Would love too, but no thanks."

"Bitch ."



Tord laughed a little. "I'll walk you home?"

"Why not?" Tom replied, knowing his 'parents' weren't gonna be home.

Tord almost fell down the stairs a lot, but Tom was there to catch him, luckily. Tord had replied with a thank you a few times, puffing his cheeks out and blushing with embarrassment.

"How did you become blind?" Tom asked, curious.

"Touchy subject... my parents found someone who can fix one of my eyes though! The others a lost cause..." Tord says, covering the one with  the eyepatch over it, and the scars on his face.

"Ah, okay.." Tom replied, not wanting to preasure the smaller into telling him.

"What was your original eye color?"

"I think red, at least that's what Pa told me."

"Oh? It fits your personality," Tom snickered, Tord rolling his eyes.

"You're such a dick,"

"I know!" Tom replied.

"Well, were at my house!" Tord said, two males outside. One looked strict and the other looked nice and sweet. Tord ran up to them, and hugged them, "dad, pa!"

He had two dads? That's cool! Tom smiled, and said bye to Tord, and he continued walk in on to his house, (which surprisingly, he lived two house down.) He walked inside, and his smile faded. He remembered his mom, and then he ran up to his room.

He collapsed on his bed, (which hes surprised he even had,) and curly up into a ball. He pulled up his hoodie and started crying. Darkness overcame him, and he fell asleep, tears still fall I slowly.

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