" i love to get in sparkly dresses"

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I wake up to my alarm , obviously its 5:30 and I'm going to take a shower and get dressed then, pack really fast. I eat 1 piece of toast and a few bites of cereal and then head to the car to put luggage in there. Then, eat the rest of my breakfast. By the time I'm done its already 5:50 so I gotta hurry up. Because I only have 10 minutes. Few minutes later everybody wakes up and starts taking showers and getting dressed. I just check my Instagram feed and heart some things. Then start texting my friends because I have no life. PERIODDDD!  Anyway, my mom comes in my room and ask if I need help with anything and I say no because everything is already in the car. Then she says "Ok" then she leaves. I continue scrolling through my feed and find this guy that has some nice hair. He's ok but he really has some nice hair.
I follow him hoping he would except my request. I keep scrolling....then it happens just then he accepted my friend request I was so happy I screamed at his account. I know I'm a little weird. But I can control my weirdness unlike other people like that video link, it's weird but funny. I dm ( direct message) "him" and I say. " hey. " and I feel stupid because he hasn't replied in like 5 minutes. I keep making excuses like " maybe he's not on his phone right now. " or " maybe he doesn't like you and he only accepted your request because he was trying to be nice" but both of those ideas are just stupid just everything is stupid how I entered his text MESSAGES like I could have done better. I can't delete the text now he'll see that I deleted it and then he'll think I'm some kind of freak or something. Then it happens again............hey.😉 " he says. " with a wink!  You guys don't know how much noise I'm making right now. Just to give you a hint if you were in the room next to me you would probably knock me into the next generation. ANyway, my mom walks into the room again and tells me that it's time to get on the road. I get up with my phone and head to the car. I get in the car, and we start driving ASAP. I absolutely hate driving long hours in a car. It just makes my stomach twist and turn , I just can't do it. But, Las Vegas is not that far. Its as far as I thought it was. It's like 8 hours that will twist my stomach but if it's like 2 or 3 I'm gonna be ok. Just then I get a text from the guy I met on Insta. Hey...where do you stay at? He says. I'm from...Tallahassee but ... I'm driving to Las Vegas as a vacation. I say. Oh.. COol I live in Vegas. "He says"
Yea, wanna meet up some time? I say. " Sure, what time? " he said.  " Tomorrow at 5:45? " he said.  "That's fine. " I say.
We keep driving and my mom stops to get gas. Then, she goes in the store to buy a drink and maybe a snack or something. Right now I feel a little sleepy so I gonna crash on the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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