Bang, Bang {Imagine 2}

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A/N: This is going to be an excerpt from a potential story. Stick around.

Song: Bang, Bang by Nancy Sinatra

Essence held onto her lover's leather jacket as they rode down the deserted highway. She always enjoyed the feeling of holding onto Stephen's abdomen whenever they rode on his chopper together. It gave her a sense of safety and invincibility.

She gently laid her head against Stephen's back as her veil blew across her face obstructing her view a bit. She closed her eyes thinking back moments ago, to their little wedding that was supposed to bind them together forever.


They didn't have a lot of time, but they had just enough. They needed to keep moving. The brown skin woman with nervous hands applied the dark burgundy lipstick to her pink lips as she waited for her time to marry the man that was her partner in crime.

She stood in the small bathroom of an old run down church they found in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, staring at herself in the little vanity mirror her brown eyes filled with tears. She wasn't sure what she was crying at. Whether it was the wedding, the thought of being caught, or that she was sacrificing so much. So much for one man. Her man. The man she loved more then herself. Deadly combination, she knows. But she doesn't care. Inhaling sharply, pushing her tears to the back, and exhaling quietly, she ran her fingers across the lace material of her short, white dress that was a little snug on her slim frame. Everything was a little snugger on her now. She closed her eyes and pulled her veil over her face, saying a small prayer to God above her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a tiny knock on the restroom door

"Are you ready, honey?" the little lady that owned the church along with her husband asked her.

Grabbing her small bouquet of white roses given to her by the little lady she opened the door to the restroom and replied, "Yes, ma'am." giving her a reassuring smile.


She couldn't help but look down at her white heels as she walked down the aisle towards the man that was watching her every step. Looking up, immediately locking in on those green eyes that turned hazel in the sun, the eyes that had her stuck from the moment they first met as kids, those eyes that she saw the future in, those eyes she loved so much that would get her to do anything he wanted. Her lips curled into a smile that mirrored the same one he had on his face.

He looked at her with so much adoration as he stretched out his inked hand to meet her tiny one, as their fingers laced together. They stood in aww at each other, barley listening to the preacher until he nudged Stephen to go on with his vows

They expressed their undying love and commitment to each other.

Stephen slipped the diamond ring they stole from a bank's safe deposit box previously on his wife's finger. It fit perfectly. Flipping her veil back, Stephen gently held her face in his hands sealing their words together with a passionate kiss. In a quick motion, the tall man scooped his short bride into his arms carry her through the church, down the wooden steps and out to his chopper they came in on. Placing her on the big motorcycle never breaking eye contact, he gave her that same side smile she loved, kissing her one more time before getting on the bike himself and speeding off back down the highway.


When Essence opened her eyes again the sun had almost set, turning the sky a beautiful pink/purple color with a hint of yellow. Stephen had come to a stop outside of some raggedy motel miles away from the old church they came from earlier. Helping his new bride off the vehicle he intertwined their fingers placing a kiss on the back of Essence's hand, grabbing their black duffle out of the compact trunk, then proceeding into the run down motel.

They aproched the desk where a short, pudgy Hispanic male sat reading a newspaper that held two mugshots on the front cover.

"One room please." Stephen said in a monotone voice.

The Hispanic man said "$130," not removing his eyes from the paper, "How long you are staying?"

"Just one night." Stephen replied pulling out five crisp hundred dollar bills placing them on the counter in front of the man.

Grunting the Hispanic man finally put his paper down, looking at Stephen, taking in his appearance--strong jaw line, tattoos peaking from everywhere, nose ring, dark shades, very tall stature. Then he looked at the woman by his side--brown skin, large afro, full lips, brown eyes, short and slim. The man's eyes trailed to the paper he had been reading previously, then cutting them back at the cunning couple. Essence held her husband's hand a little tighter as he reached into his pocket tossing another five one hundred dollar bills on top of the desk.

"How much farther is the nearest town?" Stephen asked growing impatient.

The Hispanic man gathered all the bills, shoving them into his pocket and tossing a key to Stephen replying, "Another 13 miles." he said returning back to his paper.

Taking the key the couple walked to their room. Stepping into the small room that looked just like the others--single bed, small window, mini fridge, a couch in the corner, and a small bathroom with a sink, toilet, and a shower.

Turning around, she jumped in her husbands arms, wrapping her legs around his muscular figure, smashing her lips onto his putting them into a slow but passionate make out session. He gripped her bottom in his large hands, pushing her up against the wall of their motel room. He groaned quietly when she bit down on his bottom lip while running her fingers through his short hair. He pushed his lower abdomen against hers causing her to moan softly and toss her head back against the wall. Stephen trailed kisses from her lips to the sweet spot on her neck, starting to suck gently marking his territory on her delicate skin.

She pulled her husband's face back down to meet hers, using her other hand she pushed off his signature leather jacket tossing it to the side. She reached down rubbing him through his jeans, causing the villain to growl taking both of her wrists pinning them above her head, intertwining their fingers again.

"You're a tease, you know that." he mumbled against her lips.

The woman snickered pushing him away from her, causing man to stummble back slightly.

She removed her veil, heels, then slowly stripped from her mini wedding dress.

Turning around giving him the perfect view of her round bottom, she slowly walked towards the bathroom turning on the shower. Stephen trailed behind her as if read her mind, he stripped his remainder of clothing and joined her in the hot shower.


The hot water felt amazing cascading over their tense bodies. Their moans bounced off the walls of the shower. His love felt like nothing else in this world. It made her feel like life had a reason. It brought her to tears each time. It was like her body was a lock and he was the only one with the key, every loving thrust that got her closer to her breaking point was more intense than the last...


A/N: What do you guys think? Do you want the book? Should I continue?

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I need you guys to be more active pleaseeeeeeeeee😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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