laundromat // chardelia

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hi i know this is shit,i wrote it at like at like 1 am so leave me alone 😤. anyway, they're both in their second year of college in this. enjoy wholesome lesbian shit.
-570 words-
her legs were dangling from the top of the fifth washer from the back. the legs were connected to a torso, which was connected to one of the most beautiful faces charlotte had ever seen. she had big doe eyes, curled blonde hair that framed her face and the cutest button nose. upon seeing her, charlotte ducked out of the laundromat and had a short gay panic. she collected herself, and walked in with her clothes in hand. turns out the only washer left open was the one next to the beautiful girl. perfect. charlotte leaned down, and tried to cover her blushing face with her hair. her attempts were unsuccessful.
"come on, you're basically an adult. control your feelings and snap out of it. stop acting like a high schooler who just bumped into her crush!" she thought to herself.
completely aware to how the dark haired girl would react, the blonde then jumped off the washer to fetch her clothes. the machine she'd been using, of course was the one to the direct left of charlotte. every time their elbows brushed by accident, charlotte blushed an even darker red. charlotte looked up, realizing that a) the small girl to her left was staring at her and b) she didn't have enough quarters.
"god, the college life kills doesn't it? how are we expected to wear clean, proper clothes if we don't even have the money to clean them." the beautiful girl said.
"uh, -yeah."
"how many quarters do you need?" she started rooting around in the back pocket of her shorts.
"ah- w- wha- what?" was all charlotte could manage to get out.
"whatever here's the whole roll."
"i- uh- no i can't take that!" she sputtered
"yes you can, it's fine. im giving it to you. when someone gives you a gift you should accept it. its one of those meaningless politeness rules."
"you- you just said how college life kills though??" charlotte finally got out an understandable sentence.
"yeah, but my mom runs a successful bakery downtown."
charlotte was confused, but she let the girl put the roll of quarters into her hand. she almost closed her fingers around the other girls hand, but she pulled away seconds before she could.
"i, uh- um, thanks." she stuttered, flustered at the contact.
"no problemo. now use them, to what you came here to do."
so that's what charlotte did, she used the quarters and put the rest of them in her bag. she was about to throw away the paper when she saw a number and name on the side of the wrapper. she spun around to face the girl, but she was already halfway to the door with a smirk on her face. before charlotte could get anything out, the beautiful girl stopped in front of the door and said
"i keep them in my pocket in case i find a pretty girl during my travels," and then swiftly walked out, into the world, leaving charlotte frozen in her spot next to the trash can. she figured out how to move her body again and looked down at the paper.
"cordelia - (215)-736-2037"
the beautiful girl had a name.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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